Sunrise Playing in My Pie

Gabriela Bennett

Gabriela Bennett was first published by Harvard’s summer literary journal, Scriptorium, a lifetime ago, at the tender age of 17. Since then, she has written her way through life— from interviewing rock stars, to creating educational fiction for kids. These days, she juggles motherhood, I-495. Twelve years ago she was baptized in the James River and her life has never been the same. 

Wednesday made me detour into some seat,

waiting for pecan pie

to make the loud of daily



You sat down, sudden,

like a postcard from forgotten.

Taken in I was, as always,

by your hands.


They stroked the air like bows,

coaxing silence

into giving up a note—

some breaking sound

like that of Mexico City mornings

and its yellow yawn.

We had seen its colors well.


So, I ventured to places

I knew you best.

Asked about the music in your head

and your hands that sang.

Distracted by the arrival of pie, you nodded,

said the place was noisy,

enough to give you a headache.

All I heard was single sounding yellow.

Flash Issue 16