What's a "Good Writer?"

By Bridget Guinee

“Okay, so, like, I’m not a good writer. . .”

“I’m kinda having a hard time because, well, I’m sorta a shit writer, so. . .”

These are pretty common phrases to hear before beginning a typical shift as a Writing Center tutor.  Students of various ages, backgrounds, and majors all make appointments with me, and the vast majority genuinely believe that they aren’t good writers.  Honestly, it just breaks my heart every time.  Why do so many people think they’re “bad” writers?  What, then, makes someone a good writer?  

The reality is that most of the students who start out their appointments telling me that they think they’re “bad writers” are, in fact, not bad at all.  They might be out of practice or haven’t written a college paper before, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t good enough already or don’t have the potential to write something strong and meaningful.  In my experience, in order to become a good writer, you must keep a few key points in mind: 

Overall, good writers have a positive outlook on the writing process.  They know it might be difficult and confusing, but they also know that they have the support and resources to write something beautiful and powerful.  Aspiring to write well and rising to the challenge is half the battle, and each time a student makes an appointment with me in the Writing Center, I know they’re already well on their way to “good writer” status.  

I just wish they realized their potential too.

February 2023