Is Your Inspiration Fading?

By May Rajtboriraks

When was the last time you purely enjoyed doing something? Purely - I mean sitting down for hours without worrying that the time will be up. Truly enjoy and blend into it like only you and your hobbies exist in this world.  The last time I could remember feeling this way was  when I was ten. I could spend my whole weekend drawing anything I liked, regardless of the time remaining for homework or study. I remember picking up a pencil, reaching for a random piece of paper, and starting to draw. I did not always choose a nice-looking piece of paper, which my mom often complained about, but the drawing process was all that I needed. As I get older, I gradually have less and less time to draw. Since when did I start to have concerns: sometimes it would be not having enough time to do the school work, other times would be the project assigned from the workplace, but the worst was spending time worrying that I would not perform well on a test. Looking back, I feel like, with maturation, I have left something behind. Perhaps, it is my inspiration?

Inspiration - the process of being stimulated mentally to do something creative. When mentioning the word inspiration, what comes  to your mind first? An idea for a song or some colorful artwork? Actually, all actions are art, and everyone is an artist. Each individual on this planet has a unique method of finding inspiration. Some people are more naturally motivated than others: some are more auditory, others are more visual. While many things can inspire you, literature, music, and visual art are commonly mentioned as inspiration because of their variety and notoriety. Many different types of art, including painting, drawing, sculpturing, etc., are the most frequently used as inspiration sources. However, it is not always the case; an engineer designing a machine may be inspired by the needs of people in daily life, while a chef cooking a meal may be inspired by an ingredient or a touching story. Hence, inspiration can appear in different shapes, sizes, and categories depending on the person looking at it. However, sometimes they seem to be difficult to find or are completely invisible.

With a busy and extremely competitive life, sometimes people forget to stop and enjoy the “present” moment. People are busy working for their job, chasing their dream, and working hard to stay full but starve their souls because of lacking the inspiration to live. If we live and just move on, we are nothing different but machines - born for a purpose and keep running until they are broken, old, and shut down. What, then, are we working hard for? Is it not for us to have a comfortable life where we can have some spare time and enjoy a cup of tea in a beautiful garden? Ask yourself, will you finish your work well if you do not feel happy? Or how does it feel when you are not in the “mood” but still have to work? We know that we should chase our dream, but why not also enjoy the process? We did not just read a book to check the reading list as if it was a house chore. We laugh, cry, enjoy every moment, and cherish every word of the story - that is how a book should be read, is it not?

In  recent years, especially after entering adulthood, I can now incisively feel the drain of the busy life. Finally, I can understand the meaning behind the wrinkles on my parents’ faces. However, understanding does not mean agreeing with their ways and letting go of life’s inspiration. Throughout these years, my energy has been drained by overworking and the thinking of not being able to waste any minute of my time. The result? I feel tired of chasing my dream. At first, I thought I was no longer interested in the career I had always dreamed of, and I was afraid I was not myself anymore. However, it was just my dying soul warning me to take a moment to rest. Thanks to a trip  I took with my friends,  I realized that I needed to let myself rest well instead of always trying to use my time “effectively.” 

It is now the time to take action to start feeding our souls with inspiration. We can begin by picking up old hobbies or trying new ones. Even little things like taking a slow walk on the weekends, inhaling the breeze of nature, and appreciating the flowers on the sidewalk might help freshen up our minds. Inspiration is often unexpected. The founder of Uber came up with the idea for the app simply because he could not get a taxi. So go outside, you might just find your inspiration among the mundane.    

March 2023