Judith Prevost


Judith is an English major from North Carolina. She enjoys creative nonfiction, oversized dogs, and cross-country road trips.

Ryn Cole

Associate Editor

To put it simply, Ryn is a traveler, writer, and a feminist. She has been infatuated with fiction works since she was a child, reading The Wizard of Oz over and over. She has combined her love for reading and writing into her career aspirations, and her other passions include listening to Taylor Swift on repeat and dying her hair every four months.

Nora Kavanagh

Flash Issues Editor

Nora is a theology major from New Jersey who actually hates reading. But, when she is presented with a good story she can't get enough. Her main activities include simply hanging out with friends and procrastinating homework. Her favorite movies are the Godfather and Goodfellas and her favorite book is Uprising Margaret Peterson Haddix.

Nadine Samy

Social Media Manager

I'm a huge language lover and love to write. I lowkey fantasize about living in a classic novel (either that or about having the talent to write one myself). I love poetry like Emily Dickinson's and writers like Luis Borges, Virginia Woolf, and Jane Eyre. I'm especially drawn to feminist writing or female writers generally. Aside from that, I'm an avid music listener and have an aggressive obsession with ducks (whom I also happen to identify with on some level).

Anita Gulia

Associate Editor

Anita Gulia is an Italian-American student studying two languages she already knows how to speak. Although her dream of writing a Bon Jovi jukebox musical about karate has passed, her dream of becoming a high school English teacher is alive and well. From musical fairytale parodies to short songs about mundane tasks to slides presentations about William Shakespeare, she loves to create things that make people laugh. She hopes that this bio has achieved that purpose.

Faith Costello

Social Media Manager

Faith Costello is a senior Media and Communications major and Italian Studies minor from Cleveland, Ohio. She is an avid reader and writer whose favorite genres include science fiction, dramatic nonfiction and horror/thriller. 

Sarah Furtak

Events Manager

Sara Furtak is a Senior Media & Communications major with a minor in marketing and international business from Princeton New Jersey. 

Aila Troxel

Flash Issues Editor

Aila is a Political Science Pre-Law and Media Studies student. She is also a member of the track team. She currently is a congressional intern. In her free time, she enjoys exploring D.C. and hanging out with her friends. She also has a current fixation with Colleen Hoover, like most 20 year old girls.

Mattigan DiBease

Flash Issues Editor 

I am a lover of all things blue, and I find comfort in rereading my favorite books rather than starting a new one. My dog, Leo, is my favorite thing in this world, but iced lattes from Starbucks are a close second. To get the best grasp of my personality, you need to know that my all-time favorite book is Little Women by Louisa May Alcott, and my all-time favorite movie is Dead Poets Society. I play soccer here at Catholic, but I also love to run! 

Ella Baez

Events Manager

A Latin Senior who is also a part of NAFME and loiterer in the CCE’s new office called the Nest. Ella participates in the Events Team as a meticulous and enthusiastic returning member of Vermilion. She loves reading realistic fiction and historical dramas in her leisure time, especially before their film adaptions. Ella loves volunteering for campus ministry and lounging inside Barnes and Noble. In the future, Ella hopes to become a small-time publisher or an English professor at a private school.

Photo credit to Emma Smith - @emmasmithphotographyy