Where to Find Books

Where Can I Find Books?

Great question. You can borrow books from the library (library cards are FREE). You can trade and borrow books from family or friends. You can buy books. You can easily buy used books at a seriously reduced rate or you can buy books in stores and online!


You can download the Sora app onto your phone, chromebook, tablet and computer. (School Name: Connecticut Technical Education and Career System) It's our online library that contains thousands of books and audiobooks.

SCHOOL NAME: Connecticut Technical Education and Career System

Sora For Your Chromebook

1. Sora is located on your ClassLink page.

2. Click the Sora icon.

3. Enter your cttech.org email address. It may log you in automatically that’s fine, too. If you have to search for your school it type "Connecticut Technical Education and Career System "

4. Start exploring! You can browse through ebooks , audiobooks, genre thriller, graphic novel, nonfiction, and so much more!

Sora For Your Phone

1.--Download the app from the Apple Store or Google Play on your phone. Or go to soraapp.com.

2. Click “Find my school”

3. Search “Connecticut Technical Education and Career System”

4. Login with your cttech.org account

5. Find a book, borrow, and read! Or listen ! Phones are a perfect way to listen to audiobooks!!!