Illness and Injury 


A certified school nurse will assist with illness, injuries, or health related issues. In the case of serious injury or illness, the parents/guardians will be notified.  Please update CTMS if emergency telephone numbers change during the school year.


Please keep your child home if they have had a fever of 100.0 degrees or higher. The student may return to school when fever-free for at least 24 hours without the use of fever reducing agents. If the student has a sore throat, an upset stomach, or a rash, parents are encouraged to keep the student home and contact the family doctor. If the parent/guardian suspects that their student has a communicable disease, the student should be taken to his/her family doctor for diagnosis and treatment. Parents/guardians shall be required to contact the school and report any absence, and in particular report if the student is absent with a communicable disease. Please use good judgement before sending your student to school.


Notes from Physicians:  

All letters from physicians, should be brought to health office initially. Teachers and coaches will be notified accordingly by the health office. Please be sure to submit a return to activities letter when your child’s condition resolves so it does not hinder future eligibility for athletics, physical education, field trips and/or activities.