Emely Esmurria

Lonely Little Girl

Her face pushed up against the window.The window glass fogging up.Ice crystals falling down from the sky.Can we go play mommy? she asked No Lisa I’m busy! Go to your room and watch T.V.! She is alone.Her mom is a lazy, irresponsible human .Her dad was gone and he could not get to her for 7 years.Are you ok? He would ask every night on the phone.Dad when will you come home?she said one night!The next day her dad showed up!Her face pushed up on the window ice crystals falling down from the sky and a shadow of a man standing behind.

Two in Love

Smile so perfect.

As bright a the sun in the early morning rise.

Cries so gentle.

As if he was scared to be heard.

Here in this basket,

lies the angel.

The one created by two in love.

Here lies the angel with a perfect smile.

The one that looks like the sun.

With the cries so gentle.

The one scared to be heard.

Here lies the angel that turns bad into good

Here lies the angel created by two in love.

Emely Esmurria is a student at CT River Academy.