National Engineering Design Challenge (NEDC)


Design Proposal and Academic Poster

due on February 15th at 11am

Only one submission per team. Note that we will only accept the first submission to be judged.

All documents should be labeled as followed: students’ first names, underscore, school. 

For example: dolujanienesarah_CSUEB

MESA Day Rules 2023-2024

2023_2024 NEDC FINAL Handbook .pdf

NEDC 2023-24 Updates

NEDC Rules Overview 2023-2024 - New Changes.pdf


MESA USA Curriculum

STEP 1: Setting up the Arduino Environment

The first thing that you will need to do is get an Arduino and finding some software that you can use to program your new Arduino. We refer to this software as the IDE or Integrated Development Environment. You have two choices. You can download the IDE and use it offline at the following link:

or you can use the online version Arduino Create. Even though it requires that you are working online, we recommend this route as this gives you access to a wide array of example code. You can find the link for Arduino Create below:

just click on sign in and it will get you started. 

STEP 2: Introduction to Arduino Hardware

The next thing that we are going to do is get familiar with the various components on the Arduino board. Please look at the link to the right so that you know what each piece of your microcontroller actually does. 

STEP 3: Circuits and Electronic

On the right is a great introductory video on breadboards which is what you will be using to build all of your prototype circuits.  

Now that you know what you will be building on, here is a great guide to electronic components and what they actually do. Please note that at this level you will not be needing all of the tools suggested by this resource: 

STEP 4: Building and Programming your first circuits

Getting started with Arduino can seem like an overwhelming hurdle. My best piece of advice is to look at the circuits that other people have built and the code that they have written for it and copy it. By going through examples you will become familiar with how to wire your circuits, how code affects the way that your circuit performs, and learn about various kinds of sensors and outputs that can be incorporated into your own project. Below is a fantastic resource that will walk you through your first project.   

Click on the link to the right, recommended to working your way down the “Arduino” tab starting with “LED’s” 

STEP 5: Buttons, Sensors, Outputs and Modules

There are tons and tons of sensors, modules, and output possibilities for your Arduino. On this link you will find a list of all the most common elements for inclusion in your project.

Here is a link discussing the different kinds of servos and motors (one of the most common circuit elements that you will use) but it discusses the differences in detail. If your device has any moving parts 


Poster Template NEDC.pptx

Fall Virtual MESA Week Presentation

State Competition Information