Project RISE

Project RISE brings teachers together to build interactive digital learning resources that are adapted for our Quebec curriculum and our adult ed learners.

RISE 2.0_2023

Ongoing Resource Projects

Past Resource Projects


CCBE Literacy Choice Board

This employment-themed choice board allows CCBE Literacy students to choose from twelve tasks targeting each of the four categories of action at varying levels of difficulty.

Although the CCBE Choice Board was developed for the P105-4 "Stepping Out" course, some resources can also be useful for students in the ENG 2102-2 and 3101-1 courses. 

All resources were created by Jinju Lee (RSB) and Ann Fairhurst-Lozyk (EMSB).

SI Choice Board

The SI Choice Board consists of three activities designed for Social Integration students differentiated by no tech, some tech, or high tech use.

This site was also created with accessibility in mind, accounting for color-blind users or those with low vision. Its adaptable minimalist design also works on a variety of devices.

The SI Choice Board was developed by Denise Currie (LBPSB).

ELA Toolbox

The ELA Toolbox is a student-facing site with resources for all DBE English courses from secondary 1 to 5. It features printable infographics as well as digital copies of public domain short stories and poems that can be used for interactive textual analysis.

The resources on this site were developed by Darlene Brown (SWLSB) and Vahan Bedros (EMSB).


Social Integration Network

The Quebec Provincial Social Integration Network (QCSI Network) website has been created by a team of Social Integration teachers across multiple English School Boards and the RECIT AGE team. The site aims to provide Social Integration teachers with:

DBE Math Network

The Quebec Continuing Education Math Network website has been created by a team of teachers, PROCEDE consultants and the RECIT AGE team. The site aims to provide both teachers and students with a list of complex tasks for each course code belonging to the CST and S programs. These resources are organized according to the concepts stipulated in Quebec’s Continuing Education curriculum and can be downloaded to supplement the SOFAD textbooks for both the individualized and non-individualized classroom.


CCBE Literacy Resources

The CCBE Literacy Resources website has been designed to provide learning materials that are appropriate for Quebec Common Core Basic Education (CCBE) adult language learners at the Literacy level. These resources can be used at various levels or in multi-level classes and are ideal tools for teachers for remediation, enrichment, and reinforcement of learning.

The majority of the activities require SMART Notebook. The resources can be used with the whole class, in stations, or small teams using a touch-based computer or tablet. The resources on this site have been created by Farideh Raygani and Lindsay Harrar (ACCESS, RSB) and the RECIT AGE team.

CCBE Learning Situation

The What is Your Impact on the Environment website addresses recycling and food waste. The website contains downloadable materials and step-by-step instructions to implement and adapt this Learning Situation in your own classroom. To encourage students to interact in small groups, this Learning Situation is taught in stations.

The RECIT AGE team documented Hilda Smolash (Teacher, High School of Montreal, EMSB) as she implemented a Learning Situation with her adult students. Sumru Baser (Teacher, High School of Montreal, EMSB) and her adult students joined too.

CCBE LS in Real-Time

The CCBE Learning Situation Captured in Real-Time is a 9 part video series. 

The goal of this video project is to demonstrate what a Learning Situation looks like in an actual CCBE classroom. From hook to form-focussed instruction, to the reinvestment task, this  documentary follows a group of students in a series of short segments designed to capture the staging and sequencing of a learning situation for a pre-secondary, Common Core Basic Education Language of Instruction course.

This resource was created in conjunction with Tina La Rosa (Teacher, EMSB), Frank Furfaro and Jorge Quiroga (Pedagogical Consultants, EMSB) and Avi Spector (RECIT, RSB).