ACE Online 2023
The RÉCIT AGE and VT teams invite you the the third annual Anglophone Community Expo. In 2023, we are pushing the boundaries of technological connection by combining one-hour video conference workshops with an online Ed Camp!
Thursday, March 16th, 2023 is when we get together for a day of exchanging ideas on pedagogy, curriculum, educational technology, and like. ACE Online is free, but if you need a substitute in order to attend the event then you may be able to apply for funding through your board's Professional Improvement Committee. Please contact your local ped consultant or centre director to ask how.
Morning workshops will be held on Zoom! Click here to join us!
There will be an Online EdCamp in Gather.Town! An EdCamp is a PD event run by participants. They choose the topics. Learn more about the RÉCIT AGE team's experience with EdCamps here. Gather, as it's also called, is a virtual environment that is reminiscent of 1980's video games.
There will also be two poster sessions during the EdCamp. Robin Long from PROCEDE VT will be hosting a session on happy teaching moments. Nicole Arsenault with École Branchée will be available to answer questions about their services and their English language magazine, EngagED. This will be a fantastic opportunity to learn about them and engage in discussions with the presenters.
If you have any issues or questions throughout the day, please email us at or use the Live Chat above and we'll be happy to help you. You can also check out our Participation Guide.
ACE Schedule
Opening (9:15-9:30) (Zoom) ⬅️
Join us from 9:15-9:30 for an informal chat on Zoom before we start the Expo at 9:30!
Block A Workshops (9:30-10:30)
For your workshop Zoom link, click on the triangle to expand the workshop description:
Building your Teacher Toolkit
Workshop link: Zoom ⬅️
Workshop description: Come develop your teacher toolkit in this hands-on workshop where we will interact with apps, websites and teacher resources that will make every educator's life easier both Face-to-face and virtually.
Audience: AGE and VT
Presenter biography: Chris has been working with educators his whole life! Along the way he has discovered many digital tools that engage learners of all ages. He currently works as an educational consultant at LEARN.
I am too [blank] for PD!
Workshop link: Zoom ⬅️
Workshop description: Participation in professional development (PD) activities often comes at the expense of planning, writing feedback notes, or correcting. At times, the workshops we attend do not quite tap into the reality of our fields. What if PD could be designed to better fit our expectations and our needs? In this workshop, participants will reflect on their past PD experiences, good and bad, and identify the characteristics of PD practices that fit their needs, interests, and availability. The discussions will focus on the very nature, function, and form of PD and how those can look in different contexts and environments. At the end, participants will be presented with various forms of PD (events, procedures, individual or collective habits etc.) used in innovative schools and centres. They will hopefully leave the workshop with an increased ability to select, request, or even set up satisfying professional development occasions.
Audience: VT and AGE
Presenter biography: Marc Vézina comes with years of grassroot experience in teaching trades, as he has been a cooking teacher for 17 years with the Lester B. Pearson School Board. He has embraced the implementation of technology in vocational training, both in support of learning and teaching, early in his career. As new consultant for the RÉCIT Vocational Training, he is now looking forward to collaborating with individuals committed to student’s success, and developing new tools and resources.
What is RÉCIT AGE and what can it do for me?
Workshop link: Zoom ⬅️
Workshop Description: Two new consultants have been added to the RÉCIT AGE team. Paulette and Mona will give you a run down of how we can support you in integrating technology and resources into your teaching. We are here to work with teachers, administrators and professionals to develop adult learners’ digital competencies. This workshop will outline what we do, what resources are available to you and give you the opportunity to let us know your needs. Small steps, guidance and creativity are how we roll! See you there.
Audience: AGE
Presenter Biographies:
Mona Taslimi is a Regional RÉCIT AGE Educational Consultant. She has twelve years of professional experience in the field of education where she had the opportunity to work with a diverse group of students and applied her expertise in various classrooms. When it comes to teaching online, she always sought to motivate students to develop their own learning interests and critical thinking. By doing so, she established a learner-centered environment in the virtual classroom.
Paulette Cake has extensive experience in elementary, high school and cégep, which has given her the opportunity to work with a diverse group of students and teachers. She has also been a Consultant at the cégep level in the regular and continuing education sectors. Her philosophy towards integrating technology into teaching is through small steps, and working together for the better good. The well-known expression, ‘It takes a village…..’ is one of her core beliefs.
Flexible is not only about space: Nurturing accessibility and flexibility for our students and ourselves.
Workshop link: Zoom ⬅️
Workshop description: How can we push the boundaries of program requirements to ensure they meet the needs of our learners and communities?
I am exploring this question as we design a Balanced Health Curriculum for Indigenous Health Sciences. Central to this exploration is the idea of accessibility through flexibility.
Some other questions I am asking are - How can we truly start from the needs and interests of learners? How can we support flexible competency development based on learner choice? How is flexibility related to accessibility? How can we track learning in this kind of flexible environment?
I’d like to explore these questions with you in a conversation-based presentation. Here is the curriculum website, if you want to poke around before the workshop (please note that some areas are incomplete or need revision):
Audience: AGE and VT
Presenter biography: Tracy Rosen has been teaching and consulting for roughly forever. Her experience is in equitable teaching and learning practices through relationship, regardless of the subject matter or age level. She is currently working at the First Nations Adult Education School Council as a learning management pedagogical consultant, at McGill University as a student-teacher Field Supervisor, and in Montreal as a homeschooling parent. She is also currently very much looking forward to warmer weather and sunshine.
Morning Break (10:30-10:45)
Get up from your computer and stretch your legs. Come back and join us on Zoom.
Block B Workshops (10:45-11:45)
For your workshop Zoom link, click on the triangle to expand the workshop description:
Teaching a Trade: Sharing a Trade Vision on
Workshop link: Zoom ⬅️
Workshop description: In this workshop, we will look at the role of the Centres of Expertise Network (CEN) and the support systems in place through This social networking site is where vocational teachers can connect with each other across the province. Participants will be given the opportunity to discuss trade issues, identify funding opportunities for trade upskilling, and to reach out to the support network for more information.
The Centres of Expertise Network (CEN) is a group of tradespeople, stakeholders, industry professionals, and education providers that promote skills and knowledge development of trade teachers in the vocational sector. The CEN aims to develop a network where vocational teachers can grow as tradespeople within the educational system, Teachers share trade skills, knowledge, and connections with a professional learning community. The goal is to facilitate learning opportunities, to keep skills current, and to network with members of trade communities.
Audience: VT
Zoom link:
Presenter biography: Robin Long is an educator from the Lester B Pearson School Board and a former professional cooking instructor. She is the Provincial Vocational Education Consultant at PROCEDE, supporting and facilitating collaboration between the vocational centres of the English and Indigenous school boards in Quebec. She loves all things education - technology integration in teaching, student and teacher empowerment, differentiated pedagogy, project-based learning and universal design. Currently, she is pursuing a Master of Educational Technology at Concordia. When she grows up, she hopes to become a botanical illustrator and professional knitter in the Canadian Arctic.
Intervene to Succeed
Workshop: Zoom ⬅️
Workshop description: Teaching in the AGE and VT world is very stimulating and fulfilling. Classrooms are usually diverse in age, culture, experience, and/or learning styles. Intervening with our adult learners is done differently; they usually organize themselves with fewer means at their disposal. We believe that everyone can learn throughout their lives. This workshop is designed with the intention of understanding adult learners and their challenges. Whether they are from here, or elsewhere, or have learning challenges or disorders, they all can learn. To better serve adult learners, you must be better prepared to identify their needs and improve your support and interventions towards their success.
Audience: AGE and VT
Presenter biographies: Micheline Ammar is a math and science curriculum consultant for the l’Equipe-choc English sector. Her teaching career started in vocational education: Industrial Drafting and continued in adult education: math and science, for over fifteen years. She also holds a Master's degree from McGill University in education. She is passionate about students learning Furthermore, she values the hands-on approach in teaching and learning.
Julie Robitaille has close to 30 years of experience in education, more specifically in the fields of Languages and Social Sciences. Julie’s expertise spans several areas of education: classroom management and special needs, development and implementation of curriculum, elaboration of educational material as well as creation and development of evaluation tools and rubrics. She is very keen on new resources and educational approaches.
The W5 of Funding Innovative Pedagogical Projects
Workshop link: Zoom ⬅️
Workshop description: Everything you always wanted to know about MEQ innovative ped project funding, but were afraid to ask!
The Ministry of Education submits a funding budget in which budgetary measures for Pedagogical and Digital Development and Innovative Educational Activities in Vocational Training are included. Most of these are granted de facto to school boards, while some are allocated based on the projects received.
In this workshop, we will explore the second type of measures: those for which a project must be proposed. The facilitator will guide you through ministerial documents and Collecte-Info by exploring the various measures available. She will attempt to answer the following questions: Why engage in such an approach? Who will be your partners? What are the benefits for your center? Where do you find the documentation and the forms? What are some tips and tricks to complete them in order to maximize your chances of being selected? When and how should you submit the forms within the deadlines and on which platform? Who should you contact to follow up? Once the project has been obtained, what are the ministry's expectations with regard to the achievement of objectives (the way in which the allocated sums are spent and the drafting of reports and minutes)?
There will be a lot of information that we hope will answer your questions to make you want to submit a project and embark on a new professional adventure!
Audience: VT
Presenter biography: Denise Giguère was trained as a chef and food services administrator. She has been a teacher, a pedagogical consultant, and a curriculum leader for various institutions working at the secondary, college, and university levels. Over the years she has developed an expertise in all phases of curriculum development, in the theory of evaluation of competencies, and the production of evaluation tools. She is currently mentoring new teachers and is adept at introducing digital learning resources, tools, tips and tricks, not only in classrooms but also in labs. Since 2019, Denise has been a project manager and instructional designer of online programs, thanks to ministerial budget measures!
Unpacking Indigenous Pedagogy
Workshop link: Zoom ⬅️
Workshop description: Have you heard of competency 15? Competency 15 was not included in the official ministry document but contains important information on why and how teachers should integrate Indigenous knowledge and worldviews into their practice. Reconciliation is everyone’s responsibility. We encourage teachers to read and reflect on this document and their own practice and explore what being a cultural facilitator means to them. In this round table discussion, we aim to unpack feelings around indigenous pedagogy and how it can serve to remove barriers to learning.
Audience: AGE and VT
Presenter biographies: Julie Bourcier is currently a pedagogical consultant for the Équipe-choc First Nations and Inuit (FNI), and has previously worked for three years at RÉCIT FNI and nearly two years at Carrefour FGA. Prior to that, she was a French teacher at AGE and a bookstore manager. She has also had the opportunity to develop several projects related to training and employability. Julie is passionate about metacognition and the development of cross-curricular competencies. She is excited to collaborate on this project, which will undoubtedly give AGE and VT students the opportunity to actively reflect on who they are as individuals, learners, and citizens.
Giovanna (aka Joanne) Salvagio is a mother, coach, teacher, consultant and lifelong learner. She has been a RECIT consultant with the Regional Service in General Adult Education since 2019, initially supporting the Anglo network, recently supporting the First Nations and Inuit communities in Quebec with digital pedagogy. Joanne began her journey in education as teacher at the EMSB in 2010, teaching a myriad of courses including English DBE, CCBE, and a variety of options courses, at the same time she was a content specialist in Early Childhood Education for RAC track at Champlain Regional College. In 2017 she became the Technology Lead Teacher for the EMSB, supporting its six (6) Adult Ed. Centers, which lead to the expansion of joining the Recit.
Curran Jacobs
Afternoon Instructions and Lunch (11:45-13:00)
Five minutes to share the Gather.Town link and have a wonderful lunch!
An EdCamp is a PD event run by participants. Gather.Town, or Gather, is a virtual environment that is reminiscent of 1980's video games. Participants choose the topics. Learn more about the RÉCIT AGE team's experience with EdCamps here.
Note: Gather.Town works best on Google Chrome or Firefox.
Wrap-Up (3:00-3:15)
We'll close the Expo in Gather.Town.
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ACE Digital Totes
Find all workshop resources from ACE 2022 here.
Find session recordings and resources for ACE 2021 right here.