ACE Online 2022

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ACE has a new face! Stemming from the success of the first edition, ACE Online is back. The acronym now stands for: Anglophone Community Expo. The RÉCIT AGE and VT teams are co-hosting this professional development event.

We invite all stakeholders of the English-speaking community to save Wednesday, March 16th, 2022 for a day of exchanging ideas on topics like pedagogy, curriculum, and educational technology. You are welcome to come for the whole day or just specific workshops!

ACE Online is free, but if you need a sub in order to attend the event then you may be able to apply for funding through your board's Professional Improvement Committee. Please contact your local ped consultant or centre director to ask how. If you cannot obtain PIC money, PROCEDE has funds to reimburse school boards whose teachers wish to attend the ACE Online Summit. These funds can be used for releasing contracted teachers (in the form of a substitute) and for compensating hourly-paid teachers from the nine English School Boards. If you have any questions regarding ACE or the invoicing procedure, please contact us at

Please note that all Zoom links can be found within each workshop description! If you have any issues or questions throughout the day, please email us at or use the Live Chat above and we'll be happy to help you. You can also check out our Participation Guide.

ACE Schedule

Opening (9:00-9:45)

Join us from 9:00-9:30 for Coffee & Catch-up in GatherTown before we open the Expo at 9:30!

Block A (9:45-10:45)

UDL in a Social Sciences Context: Resources and Challenges in a Digital Age

Workshop description: Thinking about how you might adjust your History content and practices for all learning styles and experiences? LEARN online resources, in line with the secondary and new adult education history courses, can help you engage your students, explore, use and also interpret events for a variety of situations. Join us for a quick tour of our student site, access to new templates structured around UDL, and for time to discuss and share with your peers!

Audience: AGE teachers

Zoom link:

Presenter biography: Paul is a pedagogical consultant in Social Sciences for LEARN. Educated in Literary Studies, English & History from U. of T., and Education from McGill, he is a former high school teacher and RÉCIT consultant who has worked in the Montreal area, and in Inuit, Cree and Mohawk communities.

Referencing Bloom’s Taxonomy to Examine Educational ICT Applications

Workshop description: In this session, we examine several ICT applications and their pedagogical intentions when used (a)synchronously. Join us as we explore and demo select websites and platforms that benefit vocational training students and teachers alike. With the help of Bloom’s taxonomy - Remembering, Understanding, Applying, Analyzing, Evaluating, and Creating - we take a closer look at their favorable classroom use.

Audience: All

Zoom link:

Presenter biography: James is an educational consultant with Riverside School Board and RÉCIT Provincial Service for Vocational Education. The 2021-2022 school year marks his sixth year as Vocational Training consultant for the nine English school boards in Quebec. Utilizing his love for teaching and passion for technology, he provides customized workshops and training to integrate technology into classrooms.

Accessibility and Inclusion through ...Exclusion?

Workshop description: Accessibility and inclusion are ideas that many of us strive to achieve in our classrooms and centres. But when we try to define what these ideas actually mean, we might not find common, concrete definitions. Because of this, accessibility and inclusion are often reflected in feel-good activities tacked on to practice instead of a change in how we design material and engage with our learners and colleagues. In this hour, we are going to talk about the idea of exclusion and use that as a starting point for addressing inclusion and accessibility in our practice. This will be an interactive session, based on ideas from the book Mismatch: How Inclusion Shapes Design by Kat Holmes as well as participant experiences.

Audience: All

Zoom link:

Presenter biography: Tracy Rosen has been teaching and consulting for roughly forever. Her experience is in equitable teaching and learning practices through relationships, regardless of the subject matter. She is currently working at the First Nations Adult Education School Council as a learning management pedagogical consultant and in Montreal as a homeschooling parent.

Block B (11:00-12:00)

Exploring Teaching Strategies Through Menu Writing

Workshop description: There are a million ways to write a menu, and there are a million ways to teach. Both require you to think about the person who will interact with what you are presenting. Both require you to think about the environment, the expectations, the ability, and the desired outcome. Both require flexibility and adaptation to unexpected situations. This workshop is about exploring how to apply the principles of menu writing when choosing and incorporating teaching strategies. No need to be a chef! All teachers curious about teaching strategies will be able to contribute and participate. At the end of the workshop, each teacher will have a bank of teaching strategies and a working template of how to incorporate them into their trade teaching reality.

Audience: All

Zoom link:

Presenter biography: Robin Long is an educator from the Lester B. Pearson School Board and a former professional cooking instructor. She is the provincial vocational education consultant at PROCEDE, supporting and facilitating collaboration between the vocational centres of the English and Indigenous school boards in Quebec. Before entering into education in 2014, she spent 19 years as a professional cook in Canada, the United States and Europe. Her education journey includes a French baccalauréat du second degré, a German Fachhochshulreife, undergraduate studies in Political Science, an Associate of Occupational Studies in Hotel and Restaurant Management, a Baccalauréat en enseignement professionnelle and soon a Masters in Educational Technology. She loves all things education - technology integration in teaching, student and teacher empowerment, differentiated pedagogy, project-based learning and universal design. When she grows up, she hopes to become a botanical illustrator and professional knitter in the Canadian Arctic.

Differentiation in the Classroom

Workshop description: This workshop offers a variety of differentiation strategies (environmental, emotional and cognitive) to be used in the classroom. It is presented in a dynamic interactive platform, with some theoretical notions. Participants will be invited to interact throughout.

Audience: AGE teachers

Zoom link:

Presenter biographies: Micheline Ammar is responsible for the Math and Science dossiers at l'Équipe-choc Pedagogical. She has been involved in AGE, both as a teacher and Pedagogical Consultant, for the last 15 years. Julie Robitaille is in charge of Languages and Social Sciences. She taught in the youth sector for 28 years before joining the team. Their joint expertise spans a wide range of subjects.

Block C (1:00-2:00)

Knowing How Anxiety Impacts the Learning Process

Workshop description: Anxiety is not just a trending topic. 15% of young adults present moderate to severe anxiety symptoms, many of them are in our classrooms. How can we support them and facilitate their success.

Audience: All

Zoom link:

Presenter biography: Mariève Gagné has been an Educator since 1996, working in different sectors and in Adult Education and Vocational Training since 2010. Her collaborations with resource teachers and Orthopédagogues in Québec have enriched her practice.

Planning & Tracking for Individualized, Multi-Level Courses

Workshop description: This workshop is a follow-up to the APC that took place on January 27th, but you don't need to have attended to join us! We look forward to exchanging with you about how we can plan for and track student progress in multi-level/individualized classes.

Audience: All

Zoom link:

Presenter biographies: Shanna Loach is a multi-level/individualized teacher and pedagogical consultant at Eastern Townships. Emilie Bowles was a multi-level/individualized teacher at New Frontiers before joining the RÉCIT. Nicole is a pedagogical consultant at Riverside.

The Digital Feedback Express

Workshop description: The recently translated and adapted tool, Giving Feedback in your LMS, deserves a first and a second look. Join Karine Jacques and Marc from RÉCIT on a virtual tour of this self-directed professional development space. The discussions will focus on using feedback to both motivate and engage students in their learning. Karine will answer questions relating to different strategies to use with students who have learning particularities. Marc will drive the virtual tour bus while adding a little ed tech know-how and general joviality. It should be a fun ride!

Audience: All

Zoom link:

Presenter biography: As the Provincial Complementary Services and Special Education resource for the AGE and VT communities, Karine Jacques is involved in numerous projects with several centres across the province that are aimed at helping adult learners to stay engaged in their learning and to persevere in reaching their goals. Karine advises stakeholders using a collaborative and inclusive approach in the implementation of support services for all students and to promote an inclusive and welcoming environment in both anglophone and francophone AGE and VT centres. Visit her website for more information. Marc Gariépy is a Provincial Service for RÉCIT AGE. He taught ESL for over seventeen years in the francophone youth sector and was a local education consultant for teacher induction and classroom management for four years. His main dossiers at RÉCIT AGE are communications and networking.

Block D (2:15-3:15)

Building Team Culture Through Vulnerability

Workshop description: Team building and collaboration are not just buzzwords. They come through a bit of discomfort and hard work creating healthy work relationships. If we want to embrace these ideas fully, then we must be willing to create space for these ideas to bloom. It requires generosity, a willingness to receive feedback, and to confront our insecurities and shortfallings within our practice. Knowing that we are quick to showcase things that we excel at but apprehensive to expose areas that we don't feel as competent in, how can we embrace and share our vulnerabilities in these areas as opportunities for growth? In this hour we will discuss the elements and fundamentals of fostering team building and collaboration beginning with disarming ourselves.

Audience: All

Zoom link:

Presenter biography: Sadia Haque has been part of the beauty industry since 2009. She has been teaching since 2014. She taught shortly in the private sector before joining the Gordon-Robertson Beauty Academy. She is a lifelong learner and full-time teacher. Giovanna Salvagio is a pedagogical consultant with English Montreal School board and RÉCIT AGE. She taught in the youth sector and at Champlain Regional College, before deciding to work in the AGE sector. She has been involved in the AGE sector for 12 years. Her current dossier is center support.

Understanding Dyslexia

Workshop description: This workshop provides a better understanding of dyslexia. What is the reality for students with learning disorder (LD)? What is the impact of their LD on their learning process? As a teacher, what can I do to meet the needs of these students? In addition to the theory on dyslexia, time will be given to discuss your concerns, but also strategies that can be implemented in your classrooms.

Audience: All

Zoom link:

Presenter biography: Luce Tremblay-Parent is a learning specialist in a General Adult Education Center. She has a bachelor's degree in special education, a specialized graduate diploma in French didactics, as well as over 10 years of experience in the education field. In her workshops, she is concerned with transmitting information about learning disabilities in order to meet the needs of teachers who must integrate more and more diversity in their classes.

Gather Town and Kumospace: Socio-Affective Online Meetings

Workshop description: Join us as we explore and consider two online meeting platforms that break away from traditional ones, such as Teams and Zoom. See how informal, visual meetings can amount to a virtual classroom atmosphere. Teachers and students are free to move about to different groups and rooms while reducing tasks to manage “breakout rooms”. This session will include portions of last year’s ACE Gather Town workshop.

Audience: All

Gather link:

Presenter biography: James is an educational consultant with Riverside School Board and RÉCIT Provincial Service for Vocational Education. The 2021-22 school year marks his sixth year as Vocational Training consultant for the nine English school boards in Quebec. Utilizing his love for teaching and passion for technology, he provides customized workshops and training to integrate technology into classrooms.

Wrap-Up (3:15-3:30)

We'll close the Expo in Gathertown.

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ACE Digital Tote

Find all workshop resources from ACE 2022 here. Stay tuned for workshop recordings!

Missed last year's conference? No worries. All session recordings and resources can be found right here.