Tools for Screencasting and Creating Instructional Videos

Standard D: Learner Engagement

D1 -- The online teacher uses digital tools to identify patterns in learner engagement and performance that will inform improvements to achieve individual learner growth.

D2 -- The online teacher engages learner agency.

D3 -- The online teacher enables a learner-customized pace and/or path through instruction aligned with learners’ individual goals, learning trajectories, and interests.

D4 -- The online teacher establishes relationships through timely and encouraging communication, using various formats.

D5 -- The online teacher helps learners reach content mastery through instruction and quality feedback using various formats.

D6 -- The online teacher ensures that learners have necessary course resources and the information needed to navigate the learning platform and perform required tasks in a timely manner.

D7 -- The online teacher communicates frequently with stakeholders regarding learner progress and strategies for supporting learner engagement.

Creating Engaging Instructional Videos.pptx.webm
Slide Development Template for Instructional Videos.pdf