Year 3 & 4 READING

Online resources to support reading

Kiwi Kids News

Read an article that interests you.

Reading Eggs

All Year 3 & 4 children have a Reading Eggs account.

Reading Rockets

Follow up activity ideas

Literacy Ideas

Follow up activity ideas

EPIC Reading

Log into your Epic Reading account if you have one.

Mrs Rowe's Reading Room:

Choose a book, sit back and enjoy!


Listen to your child read. If the text is challenging read it together.

Remember to encourage your child to use the following strategies:

  • What cues can I get from the sounds I can see and recognise?

  • Predict what is going to happen?

  • Does the word I am thinking of make sense in the sentence?

  • Does the word I am thinking of look right?

  • Use the illustrations to help.

  • What punctuation cues can help me?

  • Re-read the difficult section and self-correct if possible.

  • If they still don’t know, it is OK to tell them the word. PLEASE DON’T MAKE IT STRESSFUL

Ask questions as your child reads to you.

  • What does that mean?

  • What’s happening here?

  • Why do you think that happened?

  • What’s going to happen next?

Follow-up Activities

What you could do after reading:

  • Develop their vocabulary – Can you think of another word that means the same as..?

  • Children could draw or write using a diagram, flow map, or summarise part or all of the text/story.

  • Children could draw a character from the story and write personality traits around them.

  • Children could re-write the end of the story.

  • Children could create something in relation to the story they are reading e.g. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - a golden ticket.