Year 1 & 2 READING

Mrs Rowe's Reading Room

Choose a book, sit back and enjoy!

Reading Eggs

All Year 0 - 2 children have a Reading Eggs account.


  • Talk with your child about their reading. Try and discover what they like to read.

  • Hear your child read throughout the day. Remember to encourage them to use the following strategies:

      • Use their letter/sound knowledge to slide the sounds of unknown words together.

  • Identify rhyming patterns within the text.

  • Talk about syllables in words and how many there are.

  • Predict what is going to happen?

  • Use the illustrations to help.

  • Think of the key “working out” questions when they come to a word or phrase they don’t know.

  • What cues can I get from the picture?

  • What cues can I get from the sounds I can see and recognise?

  • Does the word I am thinking of make sense in the sentence?

  • Does the word I am thinking of look right?

  • What punctuation cues can help me?

  • Re-read the difficult section and self correct if possible.

  • If they still don’t know, it is OK to tell them the word. DON’T SWAMP THEM WITH ANXIETY.

  • Ask questions as they read to you. What does that mean? What’s happening here? What do you think is happening?

What’s going to happen next?

  • Develop their vocabulary – can you think of another word that means the same as……….?

  • Praise, praise, praise when they are making a good attempt.

  • Read to your children. Ask questions as you read (without spoiling the occasion and main message.)

  • Show children you enjoy reading. Let your child see you reading.

Reading at home is where students must achieve success.