The Superior Council of Magistracy, as Project Promoter of the bilateral initiative, in partnership with the Norwegian Courts Administration and the National Institute of Magistracy, implements the project "Better trainings for better professionals within the Judiciary", financed by the Fund for Bilateral relations at the level of the Programme "Justice" within the Norwegian Financial Mechanism (MFN) 2014-2021.

PROJECT TITLE: Better trainings for better professionals within the Judiciary

PROJECT PROMOTER: Superior Council of Magistracy

PARTNERS: Norwegian Courts Administration (Norway) and National Institute of Magistracy

GENERAL OBJECTIVE: The main objective of the project is to strengthen the collaboration relations between the representatives of the central institutions of the judicial systems in Romania and Norway. In particular, the bilateral initiative aims the drafting of methodological guidelines for the selection of experts and the organization of the proffessionsl training activities to be organised within the predefined project “Judicial Training and Capacity Building”, finanged under the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021.

ACTIVITIES: The bilateral initiative provides for the organization of two working meetings between representatives of the Superior Council of Magistracy, the National Institute of Magistracy and the Norwegian Courts Administration involved in coordinating the activities of the predefined project and adults training activities.

The first meeting was held on June 5-7, 2019, in Trondheim (Norway).

IMPLEMENTATION PERIOD: June 2019- August 2023

TOTAL VALUE: According to the financing contract, the total value of the project is of 125,934.26 lei, consisting of 100% Norwegian non-reimbursable external funds

SOURCE OF FUNDING: Fund for bilateral relations under the Programme "Justice", financed by the Norwegian Financial Mechanism (MFN) 2014-2021. Detailed information on the source of funding can be found on the websites and .

PROGRAM OPERATOR: Ministry of Justice