Abstract Review Process


The goal of “Reconditioning Indian Tradition and Culture through NEP 2020: Multilingual, Multicultural and Multidisciplinary Educational Approaches” is facilitated through ICSSR Sponsored National Seminar 2024, with the support of numerous national academic institutions and scholars, as well as practitioners who contribute to our mission of knowledge transfer implementing a collaborative approach towards academic research, empowering decision makers in the corporate sector, and promoting critically aware social policies. Our values and mission statement lead our academic seminar in addition to an annual theme guiding scholarship discourse.

With a massive number of abstracts submitted each year for presentations at ICSSR Sponsored National Seminar 2024, CSJMU is dedicated to guaranteeing a timely and fair review process with the international norms of double-blind peer review. We are dependent on the support of highly qualified academics around the world to assist with this endeavor.


The Scientific Committee evaluates your abstract according to following criteria.


The Seminar organizing committee together with ICSSR Sponsored National Seminar 2024 has developed Code of Ethics based on Committee of Publication Ethics for Scientific committee members. All the scientific committee members have agreed to adhere on following ethics and responsibilities.

Reviewers will assist the authors through their feedback and comments by providing fair, honest, and unbiased assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of the abstracts/manuscript and provide objective and constructive feedback in review to encourage the authors to develop their manuscripts.

Reviewers should ensure to declare all potential competing, or conflicting interests. If you are unsure about a potential competing interest that may prevent you from reviewing, communicate this  to the organizing committee as soon as possible. Reviewers will remain unbiased throughout the review process in regards to nationality, religious or political beliefs, gender, and other characteristics of the authors, origins of a manuscript and/or their professional affiliation.

Reviewers should inform the editors if the manuscript cannot be reviewed as per the time given for the review until it is too late.

Respect the confidentiality of the peer review process and refrain from using information obtained during the peer review process for your own or another’s advantage, or to disadvantage or discredit others.

Do not delegate the authority to any other person in regards to reviewing the manuscript without obtaining permission of journal editors/organizing committee. Manuscripts and abstracts should also be prepared by you.

Adapted by: https://sites.google.com/csjmu.ac.in/national-seminar-nep2020


The reviewers of the Seminar are receiving the following benefits. If you would like to be considered to serve on the Scientific Committee, please visit the Reviewer Application.