Diversity & Equity Resources

As teachers, we do this: 

         …protect and support all students by designing and implementing equitable and inclusive learning environments.  

         ...maximize academic achievement for students from all ethnic, race, socio-economic, cultural, academic, and linguistic or family background; gender, gender identity, and sexual orientation; students with disabilities and advanced learners; and students with a combination of special instructional needs.   

When planning and delivering instruction, participating teachers examine and strive to minimize bias in classrooms, schools and larger educational systems while using culturally responsive pedagogical practices. 

Teachers use a variety of resources (including technology-related tools, etc.) to collaborate and communicate with students, colleagues, resource personnel and families to provide the full range of learners equitable access to the CCSS.


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CSD Diversity videos & resources

Antiracist Baby by Ibram X. Kendi

Signed by CSD Staff & Students

Teachers & Educators: How to practice equity in the classroom.

#1 Students' Names

#5 Deficit Ideologies

#2 My Comfort Zone

#6 Multicultural Issues

#9 Homework Accessibility

#3 Free of Bias

#7 Intent & Impact

#10 Building Coalitions 

#4 Advocate

#8 Reject Color-Blindness

Diversities in Family

Click here for CSD LGBTQ+ Resource Site

YouTube Channels

Videos & Resources

Racial Healing Day 2021

Racial Healing Day at CSD 2019

#C5KnowYourStory Series: Don't Let Them Americanize Your Name 

by Rogelio 

#C5KnowYourStory Series: Name Sign 

by Isabel Ramos

#C5KnowYourStory Series: Lunch Food

by Socorro Garcia

#C5KnowYourStory Series: White Latinx

 by Elena Ruiz

Mara & Jeremy (ILY shirts)

Carlisle Robinson- Cartoonist (Transgender)

Maria & Mian Shabbir (Palestine)

Christina & Hadel Somo  (Iraq)

Isidore Niyongabo (Refugee)

Don't Be a Teacher 

by Dr. Laurene Simms

Am I Just a Token? 

by Dr. Laurene Simms

Climbing the Avalanche


3R: White Savior or Ally: What is the Difference?

by Dr. Laurene Simms

3R: Me an Ally? Really? Part 1

by Dr. Laurene Simms

3R: Me Ally. Me Ally? Really?? Part 1 (continued)

by Dr. Laurene Simms

3R: Me Ally. Me Ally? Really?? - Part 2: RE-EDUCATE 

by Dr. Laurene Simms

Correct Sign for Asia

History of Asian Immigrants with Leang Ngov

Asian Pacific American Heritage Series: Pacific Islanders with Coco Cabral

In the Time of COVID-19: Asian Deaf Experiences

Sarah Young Bear-Brown Interview, 2020

Sarah Young Bear-Brown, a Deaf Meskwaki Tribe Member on COVID-19 & Plain Sign Language-2020

Indigenous Ways Wisdom Circle with Sarah Young Bear-Brown 2020

We Shall Remain 2014

Racism Needs to Stop Now- 2020

Intent & Impact (ASL)-2013

What is Systematic Racism in America? 2020

Life of Privilege- 2017

Why Color Blindness will NOT End Racism- 2016

I Don't See Race -2017

Sometimes You're a Caterpillar- 2015

Just Stop Talking About Race-Racism- 2014

Put Racism in the Right Place-2014

Think for Yourself-2013

The Doll Test- The Effects of Racism on Children- 2015

A World Without Black History- 2016

Cracking the Code: A Trip to the Grocery Store Joy DeGruy- Being an Ally- 2011

Tips for Being an Ally- 2014

The Evolution of Natural Hair on Screen- Acceptance- 2018

Hair Love- 2019

Microaggressions in the Classroom 2017

What Kind of Asian Are You?  2013

Equity & Inclusion page


California Department of Education (CDE)

Equitable Teaching in Math


:: Books :: Books :: Books :: Books :: Books :: Books :: Books :: Books :: 

Please check out graphic novels and books on our Black Lives Matter page. Click on the button below to go to BLM page.

Deaf Children Book Authors

LINK to this book

LINK to this book

Talking About Race - Books for Younger Kids.pdf
Talking About Race - Books for Older Kids.pdf


AMPLIFIER- Free downloads (lesson plans & posters)

Deaf Organizations

National Black Deaf Advocates

Bay Area Black Deaf Advocates

Latinx Deaf, DeafBlind, Deaf Disabled, Hard of Hearing & Late Deafened Communities

Bay Area Asian Deaf Association

Rainbow Alliance of the Deaf