
Check out these great Kindergarten learning links: is a wonderful website that gives students the ability to research and learn about several different topics. The main sections are: animals, science, biographies, and social studies, and each section is then divided into several more specific topic areas. Students can listen and read along to the text, they can interact with some of the features, and they can watch videos about each topic. You can even print out the stories so that students can read and highlight information on their own.

You and your child can access from home using our school license agreement. Please contact me for login information for this site. is another website that you can access from home through our school license agreement. It is a great site to help our young students begin to develop and enhance their reading skills. There are hundreds of books to choose from in both fiction and nonfiction topics. Please contact me for login information for this site. is a free website that has both reading and math activities for your kindergartner to use. It is a fun site for kids as they begin to use the computer, and it has opportunities for them to read and listen to stories, and interact with different learning activities.

If you have an iPad, you will want to get an Osmo. It is an award winning game system that turns your iPad into an interactive learning device. We have two Osmos in our classroom and we use them to play games such as Numbers, Tangram, and Words. Please check out the website and stop by our classroom if you would like to see the Osmo in action!

There are many great Apps for the iPad that you might want to download for your child. To find some of the best rated Apps for kids, check out Common Sense Media. Some of my favorites are: is another wonderful learning resource for kindergartners. Unfortunately it is not a free site, but you can get a 30 day free trial to see if it is something that you would like to purchase. is a free paint program that will supply hours of learning fun for your kindergartner. There are many creative ways that your child can use the Tux Paint website. They can also develop their fine motor skills while using a mouse to learn to paint on the computer.

Jack Hartmann Music Channel is a great place to find fun music for kids that will teach some basic concepts in reading, math, and science. Check out his music channel for some extra learning fun with your kindergartner! is another fun website for kids that has lots of reading and math activities. It is free for you to use, but it does have some advertisements that may pop up on occasion. is an amazing website for movement and dance which helps turn screen time into active time. You can sign up for a free home account at the website. is another free website that incorporates yoga and movement with storytelling. They have episodes that range from under ten minutes to over 15 minutes.