Section #5 - Discipler

The fourth and final role that you will play as a Cru Community Group Leader is that of a discipler. In II Timothy 2:2 Paul told Timothy, his beloved son in the faith, "and what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also."

You and I are here today because faithful men and women entrusted to other faithful men and women the message and teachings of Jesus. Our prayer is that the investment that you guys make for the kingdom on this campus will last far beyond just your four years here because the men and women you will invest in through discipleship will invest in other men and women and so on and so on.

Wouldn't it be incredible if 30 years from now you come back to Virginia Tech and you meet a student who knows Jesus and is sharing him with others and you find out that the man who is discipling him was discipled by another guy who was discipled by another guy who was discipled by another guy, who was discipled by you? What an incredible legacy the Lord can work through us when we trust him by investing in another follower of Jesus through discipleship.