4.3c Hearing the Music of the Gospel

So often when we read the Bible, we try and pull out of it things to do. We try and take a passage and boil it down to behavior changes. Make no mistake, the Bible will say things that will mean behavior change in our lives. Sometimes, however, we focus so much on the things we are supposed to do or change that we lose focus on why we are trying to make the change in the first place. Namely, because we have been saved by grace through our savior, Jesus Christ.

The article below is called Hearing the Music of the Gospel. It will help you understand more of how to read God's Word in such a way that you not only walk away with things you need to change or do (the dance steps), but that you are also constantly seeing the gospel (the music) as the motivation for those behaviors and changes.

After you read the article, ask yourself how you can hear the music of the gospel more often when you read scripture. Then ask yourself how you will help the men and women in your community groups hear the music of the gospel as they study the Bible with you next year.

4.3c Hearing the Music of the Gospel.pdf