4.3a The Gift of God's Word

The Bible is the greatest gift that God has entrusted to us. In it we learn of the God of the universe and how He loved us enough to send His own Son to save us. Read of it, cherish it, let it run deeply within your heart and soul.

In the video, below John Piper talks about how astonishing and miraculous it is that God gave us His Word. Watch it and respond to the questions below.

Reflection Questions:

  1. Have you ever found yourself in wonderment that God wrote a book for us? Why is it so wonderful beyond belief?

  2. "We meet Him here (in the pages of the Bible), or we don't meet Him, not with any hope of friendship." How does the truth of that statement affect the way you view the Bible?

  3. What did you think about the statement "reading our Bibles is literally more important than breathing"? Is it? If it is, then why do we so often neglect it?

  4. Your community groups are ultimately meant to be centered around God's precious Word. How can you help bring the men and women in your groups into the miracle that is the Bible?