Rancho Cotate High School

School Policies

Drones are not allowed to be on campus @ any school events.

Cell phone policy
Students are not to use cell phones in class unless directed to do so by the teacher.

Parent and Student Portal
You may activate and access your parent/student portal through the www.crpusd.org website and click on the my.crpusd link.

Sexual Health and HIV Prevention
California state law, the California Healthy Youth Act, requires that comprehensive sexual health education and HIV prevention education be provided to students at least once in middle school or junior high school and once in high school, starting in grade 7.   Instruction must encourage students to communicate with parents, guardians or other trusted adults about human sexuality. Instruction must be medically accurate, age‐appropriate and inclusive of all students. If you do not want your student to participate in comprehensive sexual health or HIV prevention education, please give a written request to your Assistant Principal.

Inter-District Transfers
Students on an inter-district transfer agreement must be in good standing to remain at Rancho Cotate High School.  A student in good standing achieves a quarterly grade point average of 2.0 or higher, has an attendance rate of 90% or higher and avoids school suspensions.  Failure to meet these minimum standards constitutes a violation of the agreement and will result in the revocation of the IDT.

Electronic Device Policy
Board Policy 5131 – When a student uses any prohibited device, or uses a permitted device in any unethical or illegal activity, a district employee may confiscate the device.  The employee shall store the item in a secure manner and may either return it at the end of the class period or school day or keep it until the principal or designee has consulted with the student’s parent/guardian.

STOP!T: Anonymous Reporting System
Don’t be a bystander.  With STOP!T you have the power to protect yourself and others from harmful, inappropriate or unsafe behavior.  

Skateboards, Wheelies, Scooters, Rollerblades and Bikes
Students are allowed to use these items for transportation to and from campus; however, these items must be stored in one of the racks available on campus.  Repeated offenses will be considered defiance and will result in progressively more serious discipline.

No Loitering 
In an effort to maintain timely and safe movement of people around campus, students are not allowed to loiter in hallways or in front of drinking fountains or restrooms in a manner that impedes the free movement of others. Continued loitering and/or failure to leave an area when directed by Administration or staff will be considered defiance and result in disciplinary action.

No solicitation or implied solicitation is allowed on campus.

Rancho Cotate High School does not accept any form of discrimination harassment, intimidation, or bullying, based on actual or perceived characteristics of race or ethnicity, color, ancestry, nationality, national origin, ethnic group identification, age, religion, political affiliation, marital or parental status, mental or physical disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, gender expression, or genetic information, or any other basis protected by federal, state or local law, ordinance or regulation, in its educational program(s) or employment. No person shall be denied employment or participation in any program solely because of any impairment, which is unrelated to the ability to engage in activities involved in the position, or program for which application has been made. If you need a reasonable accommodation to participate in the hiring process, Cotati Rohnert Park Unified School District will provide you with one upon notice. Direct any complaints to: Office of Assistant Superintendent,7165 Burton Ave, Rohnert Park, CA 94928. (707) 792-4700.

Under AB1012 no student can repeat a course or enroll in a Teaching Assistant course unless:  A) the pupil (who has reached the age of majority) or the pupil's parent, guardian or educational rights holder consents in writing to the assignment for the purpose of improving the pupil's course grade; (B) a school has determined that the pupil will benefit from the assignment; and (C) the school's principal or assistant principal files a written document with the school providing that pupils will not be assigned to a course period without educational content unless conditions (A) and (B) are previously satisfied. 

Due to the nature of Advanced Placement classes, students must make specific commitments to enroll in these courses. After reading the following responsibilities, indicate your agreement to these requirements. 

Before accepting employment, a student under the age of 18 who is subject to the state's compulsory attendance law, including students who have not yet graduated from high school, must obtain a work permit. Academic eligibility for work permit:

By law, the Superintendent or designee may grant a student a leave of absence due to pregnancy, childbirth or abortion for as long as it is deemed medically necessary.  At the conclusion of the leave, the student shall be reinstated to the status she held when the leave began. A pregnant or parenting student also may request exemption from attendance because of a physical or mental condition or because of personal services that must be rendered to a dependent. Information relating to rights and options for pregnant students are on the district webpage and brochures are available in the counseling office.

Rancho Cotate High School houses many programs to support and assist student needs including: Team SUCCESS, Support Our Students (SOS) and Drug Abuse Alternatives Center (DAAC).  Contact your counselor to get more information about any of these services. Student’s discussions of a personal nature with counselors are deemed confidential.  The information shall not be released without permission unless the counselor has a reasonable cause to believe that disclosure is necessary to avert a clear and present danger to the health, safety, or welfare of the pupil or others. Further, counselors must reveal information related to a crime, which will be or has been committed. This policy does not include routine, objective information related to academic and career counseling. (See EC 49602)

Rancho Cotate College and Career Counseling Center is open daily to assist students with establishing careers and designing academic pathways.  Drop in, or make an appointment with the Career Counselor to get support and guidance with your career pathway. There is also assistance for applying for part-time employment and writing your resume. 

All students have access to a free breakfast and lunch regardless of income. 

Posters and Flyers
Posters and Flyers for school events require prior approval from ASB or an administrator before being placed on campus and must be hung with painter’s tape only.