Cell Phone Policy

In every class, with every teacher:

We expect students to do:


*Teachers can allow cell phone use for specific, time-limited activities in class

Why are we changing our cell phone policy this year?

Like many educators, parents, community members, and lawmakers, we are concerned about students' ability to focus in class and their mental health. Without a cell phone in class, students will be able to:

Dr. Vivek Murthy, the United States Surgeon General, warns that social media use is associated with significant mental health harms for adolescents and is advocating for a warning label for parents on social media, similar to tobacco and alcohol products. “There are ample indicators that social media can also have a profound risk of harm to the mental health and well-being of children and adolescents.” 

The states of Indiana and Florida have banned cell phone use in schools. “The bill prohibits students from using wireless communications devices at school during instructional time, except when expressly directed by a teacher solely for educational purposes and requires a teacher to designate an area for wireless communications devices during instructional time.”

CA Governor Gavin Newsom is currently working with the California state legislature to restrict the use of smartphones during the school day.  “When children and teens are in school, they should be focused on their studies, not their screens.” AB 272, passed in 2019 by Newsom, explicitly gives schools the authority “to limit or prohibit the use by its pupils of smartphones while the pupils are at a school site.”

Los Angeles Unified School District, the second-largest school district in the nation and the largest in California, has moved to ban student cell phone use from their schools, beginning in January 2025, citing studies that show “limiting cellphone usage and social media access during the school day increases academic performance and has positive effects on student mental health.” 

In Fall 2023, 73% of RCHS teachers reported struggling to manage student cell phone use during class time. Our teachers report that student engagement in classroom activities and academic performance suffers greatly when students have access to their cell phones during class. Therefore, in 24-25, we are requiring all students, in all classes, to store and silence their phones during class time. 

Q & A for parents:

Q: What if I want my student to have their phone at all times for safety?

A: Your students' phone will be in their classroom (or locker room) at all times. In the case of any emergency or safety concern, students will be allowed to use their phones. 

Q: What if I need to get in touch with my student during class time?

A: Call the front office. We will get the message to your student.

Q: What if I need to pick up my students early from school or drop off items for them?

A: Call the front office. We will get the message to your student. Or, text your student and they will be able to check their phone in between classes. 

Q: When will my student have access to their cell phone?

A: Your student will have access to their cell phone during non-class-time: lunch, passing periods & free periods. Our class periods are approximately 90 minutes long, so your student will have access to their cell phone every 90 minutes during the school day.

Q: What if my students have a 504, IEP, or health need that requires cell phone use?

A: 504 and IEP accommodations will be written to accommodate our cell phone policy. Individualized health plans will be created with the school nurse as needed. 

Q & A for students:

Q: Can I have my cell phone during passing periods, free periods & at lunch?

A: Yes, you will have your phone during non-class time: passing periods, lunch, and free periods. You will have access to your cell phone every 90 minutes during the school day.

Q: I don’t want to put my phone in my classroom caddy/case, can I keep it in my pocket or backpack?

A: No, your phone must be put in your classroom caddy/case during class time. This would be considered a violation of the policy.

Q: Can I check my phone while it is in the classroom caddy/case?

A: No, you cannot. This would be considered a violation of the policy.

Q: What if there is an emergency on campus and I need to text my parent?

A: Teachers will allow access to cell phones in the case of an emergency, and for the duration of the emergency, so that you can communicate with your parent. 

Q: What if I need to charge my cell phone? Can I plug it in somewhere else in the classroom?

A: No, your phone must be stored in the classroom case/caddy at all times during class.