Rancho Cotate High School


State law requires all minors to be in school on a daily basis and perfect attendance at school should be the goal of every student.  State law requires children between the ages of 6 and 18 years (except those exempted by law) to attend school FULL TIME.   Students who are 18 years old are still required to follow school rules, including those required while in attendance at school. All absences, due to illness, partial and/or full day, in excess of 14 occurrences in the school year will require a doctor’s note.  Continual attendance problems may result in disciplinary action, dis enrollment (transfer to an alternative program), or referral to the District Attorney.  

Attendance code "Q" - Unexcused Verified Absences

Unexcused Verified Absences include, but are not limited to, the following: Car Trouble, Missed Bus, Needed at home, Out of town, Vacation/Trips, Work, Personal Business/Appointments (hair, nails, DMV, Driving Lessons), Oversleeping or Babysitting.

Attendance code "C" - Class Cut

The following situations are considered class cuts: Any absence not cleared in a manner consistent with the absence procedures, leaving class or school during the school day without properly checking out (parent notification and signing out at the front office prior to leaving campus), or leaving an assigned area without permission of the teacher or the person in charge. If you cut school or class, you are subject to disciplinary action by your teachers or the school administration.  Depending on the circumstances, this disciplinary action will vary.

Checkout Procedures 

Permission to Leave School Grounds The governing board of the Cotati Rohnert Park Unified School District, pursuant to Section 44808.5 of the Education Code, has decided to permit the pupils enrolled at Rancho Cotate High School to leave the school grounds during the lunch period.  School rules remain fully in force during the lunch period, and all policies herein will be strictly enforced regardless of the location of the violation.  Neither the school district nor any officer or employee thereof shall be liable for the conduct or safety of any pupil during such time as the pupil has left the school grounds pursuant to this section. (EC 44808.5)

Open Campus at Lunch & Free Period

Other than lunch and a free period, students are not permitted to leave school during school hours without permission from a parent/guardian and must obtain a pass from the Attendance Office. In special circumstances, a Counselor or Administrator may grant permission.  Violation of this rule will result in disciplinary action. To get permission, report to the office.  Permission may be given after your parent has been contacted by phone, or if you are in possession of a valid note.

Reporting Absences

If you are absent from school, your parents or guardian must verify the reason and the dates of absence within 72 hours.  If not cleared within 72 hours, the absence will become unexcused.  Verification of excused absences may be in the form of a note or phone call to the attendance office. Parents may call anytime, 24-hours a day, to the Attendance Office at 792-4761 or 285-0035.  Your absence will be considered a cut, until the attendance office receives verification.  It is your responsibility to see that your parent or guardian provides verification for any absence to the attendance office.  

Notification of all absences will be made to the home by the use of an automated phone system.  Calls will go to the primary phone number listed for your student.  You will be contacted the evening of an absence and informed that one or more periods were missed.   If you are not receiving these calls, please contact our Attendance office immediately at 707-792-4761 to verify your phone number. You can also check attendance at any time using the PowerSchool parent portal.

Excused Absences

Absences considered Excused by School Board Policy:  

If you know you are going to leave school on a particular day or time, have your parent/guardian contact the attendance office in advance.  The attendance number is 792-4761 or 285-0035.  You must leave a message on the recorder, leaving a student name, time of departure, reason and date.

Truancy Policies

For each additional unexcused period absence after the third Truancy Letter, a formal SARB referral packet is compiled by administration. After the SARB packet is received by Student Services, a SARB hearing will be scheduled and the school will be notified.  If a parent is a no show or SARB contract is violated, a citation to appear before a Judge in Superior Court may be issued.

RCHS Tardy Policy 

A student who arrives to class following the tardy bell will be reported as tardy. A 30 minute detention will be assigned to students for every 3 tardies that they incur via our electronic detention system. 

Passes from Class

You are not to be out of class at any time without a pass.  If you are out of class without a pass, you are subject to a disciplinary consequence.

Illness at School

If during the school day you are feeling ill, a student may go to the nurse’s station in the medical tent with a pass from the teacher to rest for a 15-minute period.  If the student is not feeling better after that time, they will call a parent/guardian. Permission to leave must be granted by the principal or designee according to each individual case. Attendance personnel will verify with your parent/guardian that you may be released to their care and issue an off campus pass.  If you leave school without receiving an off campus pass, your absence will not be excused and will count towards truancy.


Make Up Work and Planned Absences

If you are going to be absent for 3 days or more, you should request homework from your teacher. You will have homework on a regular basis and your scholastic success depends on its completion. Plan to spend a specific amount of time each day for home study. Contact your teachers as soon as possible when you know you will be absent. For every day of excused absence, you get 1 day to make up the work assigned the day of your excused absence. Try to arrange with your teacher in advance.

Off Campus Privilege

Rancho Cotate High School is a closed campus during instructional time.  During lunch and free period, students are given the privilege of going off campus.  Please note EC 44808 states a school is not responsible, or in any way liable for the conduct or safety of any pupil at any time when such pupil is not on school property.  All school rules are in effect during school hours, including when students are off campus, and when students are coming and going from school.  Infractions of the rules may result in the revocation of the privilege for a specific period of time, permanent loss of the privilege, assignment of detention, or suspension from school.