Office Staff

Mrs. Robinson

Hello Knight Families! 

We are elated to welcome all returning and new families to Sue Crouch. This will be a wonderful and exciting school year.

This will be my seventh year in Crowley school district and sixteenth year in education. I began my teaching career teaching grades: Kinder, 2nd and 3rd grade. I have also served as administrator at the elementary, middle and high school level. 

I am a wife of 8 years and we have a beautiful 5 year old daughter who attends Crowley Montessori Academy. 

I look forward to your partnership and collaboration this school year and we hope to continue our growth and success here at Sue Crouch. 


Twitter @CoolKidzRock3

Ms. Eatmon

Hello, I am Rose Eatmon. I graduated from Jackson State University in Mississippi in 2002. I have taught in Jackson Public Schools, Fort Worth ISD, and now I am home here in Crowley ISD. This will be my 21st year in education and MATH is my favorite subject. 

Being the proud assistant principal here at Sue Crouch Elementary is such a joy. I can't wait to have a great year of learning and growing with your child.

 Go Knights! 

Assistant Principal



Morgan Eden

Melissa McCollum