Grade 7 Action Projects

How do we change the world?

Grade 7 students at Crofton House School are trying to do just that through action projects focused on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals! The SDGs were agreed upon by all UN member states in 2015. There are 17 goals and the overarching themes are to end poverty, fight inequalities and defeat climate change - all by the year 2030! To learn more about the goals, click here.

This website features the work of Grade 7 students and their actions toward issues and causes that ignite their passion and energy. To achieve these goals, we need everyone to act - governments, businesses, organizations, and individuals, including youth and kids!

To learn more about the SDGs, listen to the first episode of Maggie, Olivia, Rychelle and Emily's podcast! You can see the trailer here and listen to the episode. "Welcome to The Podcast! With so many ways to spread information to others, we decided to make a podcast! The Podcast will tell you about the sustainability goals and what you can do to help! We hope you enjoy our podcast and help take steps to achieve the sustainability goals!"

The Podcast - Episode 1.mp4
The Podcast trailer.MOV