Goal 4: Quality Education

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Jojo and Annie wanted to do something to catch people's attention to alert them to the lack of access to education many children in Sub-Saharan Africa experience: "We chose to focus on Goal 1, Poverty, and Goal 4, Quality Education. Our action for spreading awareness about this is creating a short video of us dancing with some important information. In this world, there are many people affected by poverty, and that includes children, too. From research and background knowledge, many children in the world don’t achieve the minimal amount of education they need, because they are in poverty. Please support the Nigeria Higher Education Foundation, to help the children in the world to obtain education. Together we can make a big difference!"

Annie and Vivian created a website to help educate others about gender equality in education: "Established in 2020, GIRLED Society raised awareness for gender equality in education. Our mission is to inspire female individuals globally in working towards a more equal society and striving for a better tomorrow." Check out their website for more info, GIRLED Society! They also made a video to promote their organization.

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Rachael and Isabel researched different organizations working to improve girls' access to education around the world and discovered Plan International: "We chose to inform the community of Crofton House about females rights to education. Us being females at a great school like Crofton, we realized how privileged we are. We would love to give other females around the world the same rights to education and open new opportunities!"

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Pauline and Megan are passionate about children's access to education, and created a website called Quality Education 4 Kids to educate others and sell products to donate the funds to an organization: "Quality Education is a massive issue. We created Quality Education for Kids to make a difference. We sell homage products and give 100% of profits to charity and we can help educate you on this issue. For more information you can visit our Instagram @quality.edu.4.kids or website!"