Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities

Norah and Emory wanted to find a fun way to highlight incredible activists that inspire them: "Our Ivy project is about human rights like BLM and the LGBTQ2IA+ community. We are spreading awareness by educating young girls and the people around us to make sure everyone is treated and recognized with equality. We have come up with a creative way to spread awareness, playing cards! Every other day we hand out a card with a slideshow to educate the students about human rights. No matter size, shape, age, height, gender or sexuality, we all love and care for the them all the same."

Lucy and Maxine wanted to reduce unequal access for kids around the world to education: "We are passionate about helping kids around the world, to help them get the supplies they need. This is why we decided to make a website and educate people about this problem and even donate some money to help children all over the globe!"

Sami and Salsabil were struck by how much sexism affects women in Canada, and wanted to support an organization working to change that: "Sexism is a very present and significant issue in Canada. Women are much more likely to be victims of not only misogyny, but of sexual assault and more. You are able to help by donating to the Canadian Women's Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to helping women."

Nicky decided to put her art skills to use to address a topic she is passionate about: "The issue I was focusing on was LGBTQ+ Inequality. I decided to create a short webcomic about a girl discovering her identity to raise awareness about the importance of self-acceptance. It’s still a concept idea, and I’m pretty excited to work on it when I can!"