VTC Students Earn Honors

Written by Abby Sloss Photography contributed by VTC 4/24/23

On November 17th, six students who attend Venango Technology Center (VTC) were inducted into the National Technical Honor Society (NTHS). The students included Seth Deloe, Chayden Bauer, Justin Oliver, Samuel Yashinski, Aliah Kay, and Emily Murray. 

NTHS helps fund students and allows them to be recognized for their achievements in the field of Career and Technical Education. There are over one million alumni and $300,000 annually awarded in scholarship money. 

Aliah explains, “Personally, I am glad I had the opportunity to at least apply, and happy I made it in. There are many benefits, along with many scholarships just through NTHS, that are made for tech students in particular. It's a great program and will be a big help to me in moving on out of high school and into my future with upcoming college, and even future jobs.” 

The requirements for getting into NTHS include maintaining an unweighted 3.0 GPA, at both VTC and Cranberry High School, and having a clear path for a technical major. The student must also complete an essay, fill out an application, and provide letters of recommendation from two teachers. All of this is then reviewed by a faculty council that determines the student’s membership.  

VTC and Cranberry student, Aliah Kay, advises students who want to get into NTHS: “Stay focused and on task, while also getting work done in a timely manner. Being truly interested in what it is you’re doing at tech is also a huge factor, as well as knowing that it is something you want to pursue in your future. It is also important to keep good attendance.” 

[back row] Seth Deloe, Chayden Bauer, Justin Oliver [front row] Samuel Yashinski, Aliah Kay, Emily Murray