The Roof Over our Heads

Written by Hannah Niederriter                                                                                                                                                                  5/29/19

The Roof Over our Heads

Written by Hannah Niederriter | 5/29/19

As many staff and students of Cranberry High School are aware, roofing construction has taken place and continues to be a prevalent topic among classrooms. 

While the actual construction and maintenance began around April 2, it was decided upon much earlier through a multitude of school board meetings. Present at these meetings were Mr. Smith, Mr. Vonada, Tim Kribble, Henry Karg, along with various other members of the school board. 

“The roof has been leaking for years,” Mrs. Daugherty explained, “This is an old school, so it’s bound to have damage. We figured it was time to invest the money to reseal the roof.”

Although the process has already commenced, there were some troubling concerns. Along with the desire for the project to be completed before graduation, staff were concerned with whether or not the process would be disruptive to faculty and students throughout the school day with noise, odors, and/or safety. 

To combat these concerns, along with the seven roofing employees laboring away, a safety inspector supervises the entire process and has even cautioned these aforementioned employees on two of the biggest tasks as a safety measure. 

Everyone works in unity as the process proceeds, too. As of now, the workers’ expected date of completion is June 6 (this date is not solid due to possible weather complications).

The planned order of roofing completion is as follows: gym, auditorium, office, kitchen, business wing, and then above classrooms with notable regard to various testing dates. Those under construction should anticipate possible noise from footsteps or pressure washing.

Gazing forward into future construction, there are already plans underway. One of the most significant of these plans is the repavement of the school parking lot this summer along with the addition of a new student drop off area at the side of the high school building. 

However, with this new, desirable project comes the difficulty of building accessibility. Sports teams have already been notified, but nevertheless, it is still worth mentioning to those unaware.

Resealing the roof may just seem like a small step forward, but it truly is a fragment of progress in a chain of many great improvements for Cranberry yet to come. Little by little, the school board and the district’s administration are working to better the school for all, students and faculty alike.