The Derrick Meets Shadow Day

By: Hannah Niederriter                                                                                                                                                                                 12/14/18

Photography by: Sara Uddin 

Judith Etzel being interviewed by CHS journalist Hannah Niederriter

The Derrick Meets Shadow Day

By: Hannah Niederriter

Photography by Sara Uddin

Shadow Day, an annual event held by Cranberry Junior Senior High School, invites people from the school board and other prevalent individuals to witness the daily activities of students. However, there is more than this that meets the eye. Judith Etzel and Rich Sayer from the Derrick both took it upon themselves to shadow students to learn more about the atmosphere and interactions of CHS, but while they’re at work, so are the journalists of Cranberry Chronicles. 

With forty-eight years of experience behind her, Judith is definitely blunt and to the point. By observing her inquiries, it was clear to see how enthusiastic and curious she was. It seemed as though she was naturally drawn to people with a passion, and if someone was holding back, she was the person to push for a better story. It’s crucial for Judith to figure out the relevance of the article while jointly putting people at ease. 

Judith expressed that “Every single person has a story.” 

When asked for advice, Judith made a strong point to value the comfort of the interviewee. Doing research in advance in addition to knowing basic background information is also a must. Journalists must be patient and prepared for any situation, and they have to have an idea on where the article is going. 

Rich was the personification of patience while waiting silently for the perfect picture. He aims to capture the rawness of people’s reactions and interactions. In order to do that, however, it’s just a game of time. He made sure to express the importance of positioning himself until the ideal moment came along. 

“I like to get pictures that make it seem like the camera isn’t there. I want life to just continue happening,” Rich elaborated.

He finds that being familiar with the camera settings is essential for getting the best shots. Certain circumstances, such as darker lighting, can present challenges that the camera cannot overcome without assistance. By knowing how to operate the device manually, he revealed that it’s possible to achieve the result you want. 

Both of these talented people had similar backgrounds when it came to why they entered the journalism field. By shadowing students and witnessing past courses, they recalled that some of the most important classes are the ones you don’t like because they help you understand your strengths and weaknesses, your passions and dislikes. They admitted to feeling as though they were working for us thanks to this memorable event. Coming here today allowed them to revisit their past, and us journalists had an obligation to jot down their experience. 

Judith and Rich were both able to connect and relate to the field they’re currently in, and that’s truly an inspiration for people at CHS who are growing closer to a further education and career. From them, we learned that if we do something we’re passionate about, we can help influence future generations for the better. 

Photo Gallery

Judith Etzel, reporter at the Derrick, interviews Libby Daugherty, Vice Principal, and Ritt Smith, Principal at CHS

Rich demonstrating that photographers must find creative ways and positioning to take just the right shot

Rich Sayer, photographer at the Derrick, enjoys capturing moments in the classroom