Students Taking Charge

Written by Brooke Whitling                                                                                                                                                                      9/24/20 

Students Taking Charge

Every school year, Journalism and Publication’s students are elected to head departments. 

This year, the Director of Photography is Ava Fischer, Merissa McCoy is the Executive Producer, Hannah Niederriter is the Editor in Chief, Director of Marketing/Design is Amber Holt, and the Executive Assistant Manager is Nick Richar. 

At Cranberry Chronicles, we are very excited about our new leaders, and know that they will contribute to a great year! 

Photo gallery

Nick Richar, a level II journalism student who is a jack of all trades, is journalism’s Executive Assistant Manager. (photography by Ava Fischer) 

Merissa McCoy, a senior and level II journalism student at Cranberry, is this year’s new Executive Producer. (photography by Ava Fischer)

Journalism’s new Editor-in-Chief is Hannah Niederriter, a junior and level III journalism student at Cranberry High School.  (photography by Ava Fischer) 

Amber Holt, our new Director of Marketing and Design, is a junior at Cranberry High school and a level III journalism student.  (photography by Ava Fischer)

Ava Fischer, senior and level III journalism student, is our new Director of Photography. Ava has placed 1st in a state competition 3 times and won other 2nd place finishes. (photography by Trisha Dixon)