Senioritis Strikes Again

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Written by Hannah Niederriter                                                                                                                                                                              5/4/22

Senioritis Strikes Again

It’s that time of year again—the air is brimming with pollen and bird calls, trees are blossoming at every turn, and, of course, seniors are barely managing to struggle through the remainder of May. When considering the trends in past school years, the phenomenon known as senioritis seems to substantially increase as time progresses. Though the lackluster attendance and accumulation of late work seems inevitable as graduation draws near, it can be beneficial to check in with current seniors to see how they’re navigating this taxing period. 

The first signs of senioritis may have first emerged at varying periods of time throughout the school year, but many seniors agree that they’ve experienced a notable increase in fatigue, a substantial decline in motivation, and an inclination to dedicate more of their time to enjoyable activities rather than carving out sufficient time to complete schoolwork, especially after spring break. 

As stated by senior Alyssa Wright, “Recently, I've had to set many alarms to get myself up in the morning. I can’t help but ask myself what the point of going to school is because I already know where I’m going to college, and there isn’t anything left that I really need to turn in.”

These same sentiments were echoed by senior Hailie Hicks. Hicks also mentioned feeling stressed when confronted with everything that she has to prepare for to complete the current grading period. 

At times such as these, it can be invaluable to recall the upcoming events scheduled for seniors as well as the notably low number of days left on the school calendar. The consensus among seniors indicates that many individuals are most looking forward to the get-together at Camp Coffman, senior prank, the spring choir concert, and, obviously, graduation. 

“I’m excited to start the next step of my life, but it’s kind of setting in that I have to leave, and I’m going to miss my teachers and certain classes. Most people are going to experience senioritis at some point in one form or another, and it’s important to push through and cherish these last few weeks because even if we want it to go fast now, we’re going to look back and wish that we had paid more attention and lived in the moment,” Wright explained. 

Though graduation may seem too close for comfort and, at the same time, far away, this final period of school will persist in our memories for years to come, so don’t let senioritis get the better of you and make the most of each day.