Seneca Humane Society: Where Passion Takes Action

Written by Kaia Dean                                                                                                                                            1/17/20

Seneca Humane Society: Where Passion Takes Action

Written by Kaia Dean | 1/17/20

“My brother and I wanted a dog. Mom said yes and dad said no so we compromised and got a dog.”  

While there was indecision initially, the Miller family quickly saw the Venango County Humane Society as a blessing to their family. 

Cassidy Miller, a senior at Cranberry High School, said, “When we adopted her, my dad was going through surgeries and she kept him company.” 

The Venango County Humane Society is far more than a building to house the strays of our Community. This local facility is a place to find friends of all shapes and sizes. 

We are lucky to have a no-kill shelter that shows its care for animal life in our community as they house dogs and cats, all given shots and the needed medical attention upon arrival.  

Volunteers and workers at the local Humane Society work to meet the needs for every pet that comes through the temporary home. 

Lindsay Perry, a worker for about 1 ½ years, sheds light on the inner workings when opening up about the pet adoption process: “The most rewarding part for me is seeing the animals leave to go to their forever homes knowing that I had something to do with connecting the animal and new owner. Being able to see the excitement on both the animal and adopter’s faces really makes me realize how important the job is.”  

The Humane Society does not fail to reach out and benefit our community in any way, especially connecting with young people. Jenna Reynolds, a current Junior at Cranberry High School can still recall the time from which she was in early elementary school and created the slogan, “ Best Friends Start Here,” which is still used as the Humane Society’s logo today.

Other students are heard expressing the love they have for their rescued animals, and state that the pet actually rescued them. 

7th grader Aiden Ward spoke about his experience adopting two cats from the Humane Society several years ago: “It made me feel happier. When I was sad, they comforted me.”   

When going to see the animals, visitors are able to read about the pets’ likes and dislikes and are given all the reasons to take at least one of these furry friends home. 

Overall, the Humane Society isn’t just a place where best friends are found, but a representation of admirable passion from those who understand the bond between pets and their owners. 

Nala, a high-energy, lovable Beagle mix being held by Kaia Dean, a junior Cranberry student, at the Venango County Humane Society in one of the playrooms. Before adopting a new member of the family, visitors can spend time with a pet in one of the available playrooms.  (photograph by Joe Gunn) 

Maya, a 9 year old Jackabee, adopted from the Venango County Humane Society by the Miller family (Photograph contributed by Cassidy Miller)