Sebastian Mckenzie 

By: Abigail Adams

May 2, 2018

Today is a very exciting day here at the Berry Dome! We have a new student joining the junior class, Sebastian Mackenzie! Abigail, Morgan, and Gabrielle sat down with Sebastian to ask him a few questions about himself and his recent move to Pennsylvania.

Where are you from? 

“Centerton, Arkansas”

How has your first day been so far? 

“It’s been good, everyone has been nice. I haven’t done much in my classes, but then I got to English and it was like SIKE!”

What’s different about the school you came from and CHS? 

“You guys have ⅓ as many students. I’d rather go to a bigger school.” 

(Sebastian went to a school where he had four 90 minute periods a day and then four different periods the next day. His school started at 8:55 and ended at 4pm. However, Sebastian participated in “0 Hour,” where he came in an hour and a half early so he could leave earlier.)

What is different about Arkansas and PA? 

“Well here, I haven’t seen a bunch of houses together, like I’m used to a packed town with sidewalks.” 

What are you most afraid of about coming to Cranberry? 

“I have no idea what to do after school.”

What do you like to do in your free time? 

“Play on computers and go out in the woods.” 

What class are you most excited about? 

“Probably cooking! I like to cook, it’s fun, food is good!” 

What was your favorite class at your old school? 

“Computer Programming”