Say Hello

Written by Cara Andres, Devin Zerbe, and Brooke Whitling                                                                                                             9/26/19

“It’s a lot like the quote in Lilo and Stitch. ‘Ohana means family. Family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten.’ We are a family, and we cannot let any of our students be left behind or forgotten,” Mr. Robert Horner, the elementary principle explains.

For years, teachers and administrators have been greeting students as they enter the building. Recently, they noticed that only a small portion of the students responded to their good morning welcome. This prompted the school to implement a program that will teach their students the importance of communicating with others. 

The administration decided to use “Start With Hello” after it was discovered by Mrs. Julie Kosker, the school counselor.

“Instead of focusing on bullying, it focuses on being a good human,” Kosker mentions.  

“Start With Hello” is a program designed to address social isolation. Specifically, this program focuses on how to prevent any disconnection in learning environments. 

Within this project, students will be encouraged to initiate conversations with peers, teachers, and family. The efforts of this program are not exclusive to the school atmosphere; however, it is asked that parents also help to encourage their children to socialize.  

Bulletin board made by second grade teachers and students at Cranberry Elementary come together to learn “hello” in other languages as part of a new “Start With Hello” program.  (Photograph taken by Cara Andres) 

“We are planting a seed that the students will be able to blossom with when they are older,” states Mr. Horner. 

Beginning on Monday and lasting throughout the week, there were many activities. Classes reviewed a powerpoint, students read poems over the loudspeaker, and volunteers came in to talk to the children.

The volunteers, as well as the teachers and students, wore yellow leis to show their support on the issue. 

While this event is not becoming an everyday routine, it will be repeated several times throughout the school year. Ideally, this repetition will remind the kids to always reach out to someone in need.

If you wish to learn more about the “Start With Hello” program developed by the Sandy Hook Promise, visit the links down below:

Photo gallery

Students Start with Hello at Cranberry Elementary today (photo by Brooke Whitling)

Students at Cranberry Elementary Start with Hello in the morning (photo by Brooke Whitling)

Trooper McGee meets and greets a student coming into the school building, helping to brighten his day (photo by Brooke Whitling)

Students at Cranberry Elementary Start with Hello and smiles abound (photo by Brooke Whitling)

Students at Cranberry Elementary Start with Hello (photo was taken by Brooke Whitling)

Students at Cranberry Elementary Start with Hello (photo taken by Brooke Whitling)

Students at Cranberry Elementary Start with Hello (photo taken by Brooke Whitling)

Guidance counselor Julie Kosker greeting a student at parent drop-off during the Start with Hello kick-off (photo by Joe Gunn)

Students at Cranberry Elementary begin their day on a positive note (photo by Brooke Whitling)

Students are met with smiles and hellos as they are greeted by staff upon entering school (photo by Brooke Whitling)

Mr. Bill Vonada, Superintendent, greets a student (photo by Brooke Whitling)

School board member Camae Bunyak tells students hello and gives out leis as they enter school to help them start off their day on a good note (photo by Brooke Whitling)

Students and staff at Cranberry Elementary Start with Hello (photo by Brooke Whitling)

Trooper McGee meets and greets a student coming into the school building, helping to brighten his day (photo by Brooke Whitling)