Safe Driving Week Pledges

Written By: Amber Holt                                                                                                                                                                                            5/13/19


By Amber Holt 


Today is the day that marks the beginning of Safe Driving Week at CHS. The point is to ensure that every one of Cranberry´s students knows the importance of practicing this behavior, both drivers and riders.

There are many different activities that will be going on throughout the remainder of the week, one being to make a pledge to be a safe rider and/or driver.  Students are asked to sign a safe driving pledge during their lunches. To take the pledge, students must students sign the pledge card and write one way to be a safe driver or rider on a wall mural in the commons.

Students may sign the pledge during lunches all this week. The names of that lunch period will be put in a drawing for that day to win a t-shirt. If promising to be a safe driver wasn't already rewarding in itself, this should hopefully motivate students to take the pledge towards safe driving. 

Why pledge, you may ask? Pledge to make the world a better, safer place. Tons of accidents could be prevented if you keep in mind everything that it takes to be a safe driver and even a safe passenger.

Cranberry student writes one way to be a safe driver on a wall mural in the commons area of Cranberry High School (photography by Maddy Bunyak)

CHS student signs the safe driving pledge (photography by Maddy Bunyak)