Safe Driving

By: JPub Press

May 18, 2018

“I just wanted to tell you, Mom, I swear I didn’t drink. It was the others Mom, the others didn’t think.”

Prom can be one of the highest result of drinking and driving and our High School thought it was appropriate to present our safe driving campaign the day of prom. Our students began their day walking into the school, while passing a wrecked, smashed up, damaged car. Something that was quite impactful for the audience. This wasn’t the beginning of our safe driving campaign. It began at the beginning of the week with a series of videos about wearing your seatbelt, texting and driving, and riding with no regrets! 

Students had the opportunity at lunch to make their pledge to ride and drive with no regrets. By doing this, the students had the opportunity to win a free T-shirt, that broadcasted our safe driving campaign.  

Grace Ecklund, a senior here at Cranberry, gave her own speech during our driving campaign about the things she experienced. Grace has been in a multiple of accidents, and her main concern was that if her speech can impact someone maybe it’ll save someone else’s life.