Students Dominate

Regional PROPAGANDA Tournament

By: Gayle Mitchell

January 12, 2018

Cranberry captured the championship in all three divisions of the Riverview I.U. Propaganda Tournament on Thursday, January 11, 2018.  This event requires students to recognize and identify 60 techniques used in language to manipulate audiences. Statements or advertisements are presented to the participants. They are required to identify which type of propaganda is being utilized in each of 36 examples. 

The seventh grade team of Noel Bunyak, Jeremy Hacherl, Ady Carter, and Brooke Whitling won the 7th/8th grade division.  Brooke Whitling and Noel Bunyak were recognized as the overall and  thrid place individual high points champions.

The eighth grade team of Hannah Niederriter,  Maria Anderson, Trevor Olson, and Maddy Bunyak played in the 9th/10th grade division and were named champions. In addition Trevor Olson, Maria Anderson, and Hannah Niederriter claimed first, second, and third place respectively in the overall individual high points category.

The team of Dylan Lu, Ian Hepler, Elizabeth Dailey, and Joe Gunn won the 11th/12th grade division where Dylan Lu, a freshman was the overall individual high point champion, and Elizabeth Dailey earned second place honors.