Pre-Prom Preparation

Did you know?

By: Lauren Rembold

May 18, 2017

Lions, tigers, bears- oh my! This years prom theme, brought to you by the Junior Class, was ´Under the Big Top.´ Balloons, sno-cones, popcorn, confetti, this prom had it all. But, do you really know how much work and effort goes into making this night go off without a hitch?

For the past 13 years, Prom Decoration supervisor Lori Hart, has worked with countless juniors to decorate, set up, and put on prom. They put in great effort into making prom a great time for everyone.

This year, around 30-35 volunteers (students, staff, and parents) devoted their time into the preparation. It paid off, because this years prom went off amazingly! They decorated the commons, the auditorium, and the main gym/ dancefloor. They even rigged the dancefloor with a balloon drop containing balloons and confetti that our 2018 Prom King, Luke Swadorski, and Prom Queen, Ellie Khale.

As a student who went too and enjoyed prom this year, I would like to genuinely thank everyone who put their time into making sure everybody had a great time!

I would also like to extend a special thank you to Ms. Hart. It couldn't be done without you