Prayer at the Pole: a Community Brought Together by Faith

Written and photographed by Brooke Whitling                                                                                                                                            9/26/21

Prayer at the Pole: a Community Brought Together by Faith 

On Wednesday, September 22, it rained throughout the morning. However, the steady drizzle did not keep the Cranberry community from gathering at the high school for the annual “Prayer at the Pole” event. 

Wielding umbrellas and rain ponchos, community members congregated to sing praise music and pray during the event hosted by Cranberry High School’s Christian club, Ignite. Community members first arrived around 6:45 in the morning, and the call to worship concluded just before students proceeded to their classes at 7:25.

One of the high school seniors who organized the service, Maddy Bunyak, expressed her experience with Prayer at the Pole: 

“Every year, I feel a few things. First, blessed. Blessed to have such a good God, and blessed that we’re able to do this at a public school. The purpose of Prayer at the Pole is to come together and all spend time with our God and talk to Him and open our hearts. It's also to open the eyes of the teachers and students and let them see that we aren’t alone and that there are a multitude of Christians around us each day. I definitely believe that was accomplished this year, and every year.”

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