Pheasant Stocking

By: Lauren Rembold

December 12, 2017

On October 20th, I had an opportunity to go along with Mr. Wenner, Mr. Anthony, Mr. Bruce, and 7 other members of Conservation Club, including, Jarod, 11th grade; Jesse, 11th grade; Daniel, 10th grade; Hunter, 11th grade; Jacob, 11th grade; Morgan, 12th grade; and CJ, 11th grade. 

When stocking pheasants, the first thing you must do is to gather them up. After collecting the birds, they put them into crates to be taken and released. They would put about 10 birds in each of the 8 crates, safely, of course. 

After they were placed in crates, all 11 of us began our journey too the first place we would release the pheasants. Stopping at the Johnson farm, we released two of eight crates. We then went to a farm right beside his and released two more crates. We left the Johnson farm and proceeded to make a couple more stops, releasing more and more birds as we went. At our final stop- the game lands, we released the final two crates. 

When I asked what their favorite part of the trip was I received these responses.

“I like how it gets us out into the environment.” -Morgan M.

“I had a lot of fun.” -Jacob A.