Off to Europe!

Written by Dorian Allaman                                                                                                                                                                                     2/18/22

Off to Europe!

This year from June 15 to June 24, students from Cranberry and the surrounding school districts will be traveling with Mrs. Motter to Italy and Greece, two countries in Europe rich with both culture and history. 

Amidst the trip, students will be touring cities such as Rome and Florence, visiting historic landmarks like the Colosseum, and immersing themselves in the countries’ culture through traditional food. 

Mrs. Motter has always loved to travel, though she didn’t begin traveling internationally until she was 40 years old. In the past, Mrs. Motter has had the opportunity to visit places ranging from Paris and Madrid to Belize, Croatia, and the Bahamas. Going to Italy with her family was especially memorable, and she’s looking forward to being able to share this experience with her students.  

“Looking at cultures from their perspective and seeing my students appreciate the different cultures has been incredible,” Mrs. Motter stated. “From an artistic perspective, Italy is a very vibrant place, and I will love seeing the literature I teach come to life for my students.”