New Faces

By Ashley Finch

Interviews conducted by: Rem Slater and Ashley Finch

November 14, 2017

Have you seen NEW faculty while walking in the halls but not sure who they are? 

New to Cranberry, you might see him while in the junior high hallway, Mr. Kirkland! Mr. Kirkland is a recent graduate from Clarion University. Before he was hired at our very own Cranberry High School, he was a student teacher at Oil City, Franklin, and… the Philippines! In his spare time, Mr. Kirkland enjoys sports specifically, basketball or baseball, and also loves video games. Something you may not know about our new math teacher is that he co-owns a photography business “Kara and Cam Photography” that he runs with a lifelong best friend. When we asked Mr. Kirkland if he could tell us an interesting fact about himself, he said, “My students think it’s cool I can do a backflip.” When asked what his favorite thing about Cranberry was so far, he stated the “overall environment,” his students, and his fellow faculty members. 

Also new to our junior high hallway, sharing her math skills with us, is Mrs. Shaffer! Mrs. Shaffer is a former teacher of Venango Catholic, where she taught for four years. Her out of school hobbies include her two girls: “I don’t have time for my own hobbies, my kids become my hobbies.” When asked what a fun fact was about herself, she told us that she is a graduate from Cranberry! She also informed us that her favorite aspect of Cranberry is the students she gets to teach everyday. 

New to our cafeteria staff, a behind the scenes of our Cranberry lunches, is Melanie! She is new to the High School, but this isn’t her first rodeo in a cafeteria, Melanie is originally from the elementary school! Her hobbies include baking and cooking, and she loves spending her time in a kitchen environment. When we asked Melanie to tell us a fun fact about herself she said, “I enjoy music.” She tries to attend as many concerts as she can within her busy schedule. When asked about what she enjoys about the High School, she stated, “The environment in the kitchen.” 

Have questions about your computers? Mr. Milne is new to our staff and he can answer all your questions! Mr. Milne previously worked in the Freeport Area School District as the IT coordinator. His hobbies include sleeping, cooking, “the occasional video game,” and woodworking.  When we asked Mr. Milne to tell us an interesting fact about him, he shared with us, “I have stepped foot on five continents and lived on four.” He has lived within North America, Europe, Asia, and Africa and has also been to Australia! His favorite thing about Cranberry so far is that everyone is so friendly! 

Do you ever wonder how our school stays so clean during the day? We have Mr. Ryan Manning to thank for this! Ryan was originally a night shift worker here at Cranberry and is now working the dayshift! Mr. Manning’s hobbies include sports such as golf and basketball. Before working at Cranberry, Ryan was stationed at a machine shop in Franklin. He informed us that his fun fact about himself was that he was friendly and enjoyed being in this environment. When asked his favorite thing about Cranberry, he said, “I really enjoy the students.” Ryan said that he likes to interact with us, so don’t be afraid to say “Hi” to Mr. Manning when you see him in the hallways! 

Be sure to show your smiling faces to all new staff and give them a nice Berry Welcome!