Mystery of the volleyball student section

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Written by Kaitlyn Moore                         9/26/22

Any given night at Cranberry High School you can find the seats filled with hundreds of students from all grades screaming and cheering to their hearts’ content as they watch the volleyball fly through the air. The court is filled with energy as the team jumps at the net, trying with all their might to win the game. As the team makes the winning point, a loud boom erupts from the student section, also known as “The Berry Bush.” 

Any other student from any other school would be wondering why there is so much school spirit for just a Volleyball team; why not instead a football or basketball game? 

Noel Bunyak, an avid member and second in charge of the Berry Bush instagram, explains, “It’s a good time of year, the school is full of energy and our volleyball team is good. It’s a great feeling to come out to support and our team really win. When you're committing your evening to come out and watch our school, you want to know that you're going to be in an encouraging environment.”

Being in a student section is a feeling that you can’t quite replicate. There is this incredible energy that circulates through everyone at the same moment whenever a perfect play is carried out.

 The student section is a great place to connect with other students that you might not usually meet: “I feel like its a lot of different people, so many different grades. Friend groups make it happen, but the community that we all have together keeps it going,” says Rachael Brown, the head owner of the Berry Bush instagram.

 The Berry Bush instagram also plays a major role in keeping the games interesting. On the site there is promo for when the next game is going to be and what the spirit theme will be. The page is most well known for the pictures that both Rachael and Noel post that show the whole section participating. 

I believe that this is one of the best places to really see what kind of energy the school has during the games. Given any of the pictures, you will find smiling faces posing for the camera dressed in anything from frat boy chique to bright neon. 

The volleyball players themselves even think that the section has an effect on them.

Mackenzie Karnes says, “Knowing that my friends are there cheering me on is a great feeling and definitely helps keep my motivation high.”

Whether you are in the stands for the game play, crazy themes, or just to be with friends, the Cranberry Berry Bush is the place to find it.