Creative Crafts of Kindness

Picture and Article by Hannah Niederriter                                                                                                                             December 11, 2018

Creative Crafts of Kindness

Article and photo by Hannah Niederriter

Often times while strolling down the hallway between bells, students pause a moment to inspect the eye catching posters, quotes, and decorations adorning the walls. Thought provoking and encouraging, these crafts are meant to promote kindness in Cranberry Junior Senior High School. I had the opportunity to talk with the mastermind behind these projects, Mrs. Corbett, and learn some of her motives and inspiration. 

While still at university, her choice of major was still wavering. Eventually, however, Mrs. Corbett decided that she was more fit as a student advocate rather than a student disciplinary. This led to her current position at CHS as well as the uplifting embellishments seen commonly around the school. 

As a guidance counselor, Mrs. Corbett tackles various tasks on a daily basis such as dealing with academics, social and emotional inquiries, as well as career counseling. School wide positive behavior support and Student of the Week are also a portion of her responsibilities. 

While not part of her expectations, Mrs. Corbett frequently contributes to the homey feel of CHS with anything from motivational posters originally located in calendars and door decorations to the grand Christmas tree featured in the commons area. Two quotes are even permanently painted onto the walls, one of which she saw multiple times on social media before selecting. When questioned as to why she would go outside of her duties to do something such as this, Corbett simply answered that she enjoys making crafts and promoting kindness. 

Mrs. Corbett mentioned that, “Even if one student would do something kind for someone, it could make their day.”

Despite no further plans of upcoming decorations, Corbett plans to continue beautifying the school and will do whatever is asked of her. She wants to make Cranberry feel as homey and comfortable as possible so students can continue to work diligently in their classes while simultaneously being kind to their fellow peers.