´Move it Outside´ Day

By: Hannah Niederriter and Amber Holt (Jr. High JPub)

May 18, 2017

Move It Outside Day has encouraged students and staff alike to go outside more frequently to gain a variety of benefits. On May 7th, 2018, CHS participated in this national event to promote fitness throughout the school. 

Nationwide, Move It Outside Day has impacted and inspired people of all ages to engage in healthy outdoor activities. Started by CRANA (Cranberry Advocates for Nutrition and Activity), the staff at CHS encourage other teachers to move their lessons outside. While some teachers chose not to partake on account of lesson plans, others allowed their students to walk the track or take part in something more structured.

According to CRANA club advisor and wellness committee member Andrea Barrett, “[CHS] chose a day with no testing and good weather.” 

Due to a crowded end-of-the-year schedule, Move it Outside Day takes place amidst PSSA and Keystone testing. This has been the case for approximately 8 years. On the other hand, in the rest of the United States, this occasion often occurs on the second Saturday in June. 

Move It Outside Day provides many benefits for its participants as said by coordinator Melanie Oliver. This advantageous activity improves mood, health, and the immune system, as well as reduces stress. These are proven by various studies conducted in Japan, one being an employment company requiring workers to go to a park during breaks. The results showed that the employees were more productive, happier, and healthier. 

Several students sided with these claims including 9th grader Megan Heckathorn who stated, “Being outside is good for you.”

Joshua Hacherl, an 8th grader at CHS, also complied to this and expressed that, “We need to get outside more.”

Teachers acknowledge the importance of getting outside as well. According to Janet Smith, a health endorsing staff member, Move It Outside Day also “gave a break after a long winter”.