Insight On Regional Choir 

Writtin By: Andrea Watson                                                                                                                                                                                      3/21/19

Junior, Michael Gunn

Insight on Regional Choir 

By Andrea Watson 

March 21, 2019

A student from Cranberry High School is off to perform at regional choir. 

Michael Gunn, a junior from Cranberry, is the only student from Cranberry who has achieved a spot in regional choir and will be in attendance. Michael is a tenor one in the senior high choir but has a wide vocal range, spanning from tenor to alto one, and will be singing as a tenor 2 at regionals. 

Michael does not remember a time when he was not singing as a child. While Michael never received professional private lessons, he admits to inheriting his mother’s artistic qualities. He officially began singing in Cranberry’s sixth grade choir.   

In February, Michael and eleven other students attended district choir, which was hosted by Armstrong High School. Michael had a successful first regional choir experience. The students who have the opportunity to showcase their vocal abilities at district choir are chosen by Mr. Yoder, the choir instructor for CHS. The top ten individuals that “chair,” or place, at district choir advance to regional choir. 

Upon arrival at regional choir, students audition for solos and select songs. The solosists and other choir members are unaware of which songs they will receive prior to their arrival at regionals. This is so that choir members cannot have the advantage of preparing for their songs. Only a few select regional choir members are chosen to have solos. 

A folder of songs is handed to the students to open and begin reviewing songs after all auditions are complete. The songs prepared at regions typically consist of very challenging eight part, multilingual lyrics, mixed with incidentals. Rehearsals are held for three days, March 21st, 22nd, and 23rd. The conductor of the regional choir this year will be Frank Bianchi. 

If students want to advance onto state choir, they must be in the top four chairs at regionals. 

All students and community members are encouraged to attend the regional concert held at Clarion University on March 24. Tickets will be sold at the door and are first come, first serve. The concert is expected to be 45 minute to an hour in length.

Michael Gunn stated that his favorite part of regional choir is the ceremonious banquet that takes place at the conclusion of regionals. The banquet is a time for all choir members to mingle and socialize. Students can dress up and intently listen to solos performed by various choir members that did not get a concert solo. 

Additionally, when elaborating on his passion for singing, Gunn states, “In choir, everyone is connected when singing. It’s an indescribable feeling.” 

Michael explains that when he is alone and listens to music, the lyrics and tempo can change emotions for better or for worse, which is a very powerful thing. Despite the stressful environment and the pressure to perform, Michael feels that attending regional choir for a second time will be a very rewarding experience.