healthy selfie

Written by Hannah Niederriter                           Photos contributed by Healthy Selfie participants/CRANA                             6/3/2019


The Healthy Selfie campaign, organized by CRANA, is scheduled to begin in the following school year of 2019-2020, but entries are currently being accepted.

As said by Mrs. Oliver, “The main goal of this campaign is for students to make healthy decisions in and outside of school.”

The Healthy Selfie campaign was first considered by Mrs. Oliver, the coordinator for CRANA, after a state health and physical education conference. She felt as though it would make a great addition to the already present Wellness Wednesday which was implemented during the 2018-2019 school year.

Staff, just as well as members of the student body, are welcomed to participate in this campaign. According to Mrs. Oliver, “Staff are an example to the students. It’s not just young people who need to be healthy. It’s a lifestyle.”

To participate, just take a selfie whilst taking part in an activity such as kayaking or hiking and email it to Either two students or a student and staff member will be selected each month (groups are also considered); these winners will be presented with a gift card to Dunham’s.