Girls Coding at Cranberry

By Nick Richar                                                                                                                                                                                          11/27/19

Girls Coding at Cranberry

By Nick Richar | 11.27.19

This year Cranberry has added a brand new club, Girls Who Code. 

The club is run by Mr. Colin Milne, the school librarian. 

When asked about Girls Who Code, Milne explained, “This club is a national club. It focuses on getting females involved with coding.”  

He also made notice that anyone can join this club, it is just more girl centered, but the coding lessons are the same regardless of gender. 

Girls coding at Cranberry High School (photograph by Nick Richar) 

“I want everyone to have an opportunity,” he stated. 

He mentioned that most of the workers in the coding and software designing fields are men, which is why the club is more focused around girls. 

Milne finished the interview with a positive outlook on the future of the club. He plans on getting more girls involved with coding so that it balances the ratio of both men and women in the coding field.